
Test Your Brain 腦力大挑戰



The human brain is one uniquely amazing organ. Averaging 1.5 kilograms, the adult brain is the driving force in the central nervous system. It is responsible for an incredible number of the body's daily functions. For instance, the brain controls our breathing, blood pressure, and body temperature. It also handles our physical movements, emotions, dreams, and memories. What's more, the brain processes everything we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch in the world around us.

The brain is the ultimate super computer. However, how much should we trust what our brains tell us? That is what National Geographic Channel's Test Your Brain is out to find out. This three-part special shows just how easily the brain can be fooled. Magicians like David Copperfield count on this fact as they perform illusions that leave you wondering what happened. Likewise, Hollywood filmmakers use color, light, motion, and sound to trick our brains into believing we are experiencing real sensations like pain. Also, the world is not always how we remember it since our brains can twist what is stored in our memories. See if your brain can stand up to the test with NGC's Test Your Brain this month.

Words & Phrases

  1. average vi. 平均為,平均是
    The temperatures in Taiwan average 30 degrees Celsius in the summer.
  2. process vt. 處理(資料、文件等)
    It took Jenny a long time to process the complex data.
  3. ultimate a. 終極的;最出色的;最大的
    Adam's ultimate goal is to become the richest man in the world.
  4. be out to + 原形動詞  試圖∕力圖(做)……
    The organization is out to increase public awareness about animal abuse.
  5. count on...  依靠∕指望……
    Barry has always been there for me, so I can count on him for almost anything.
  6. trick + 人 + into + 動名詞  騙某人(做)……
    Candy was tricked into buying a designer bag that turned out to be a fake.
  7. twist vt. 歪曲,曲解
    Daisy twisted my words to make me sound like a bad person.
  8. stand up to...  經得起……
    Cacti can stand up to extremely dry environments like deserts.

Extra Words

  1. driving force n. 動力
  2. nervous a. 神經的
  3. illusion n. 假象,錯覺
  4. sensation n. 知覺,感覺








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