
We Bought a Zoo 我們買了動物園


Benjamin Mee finds himself trying to turn a struggling zoo around as well as give his family a fresh start


  What do you do when your wife dies, which leaves you to bring up two children by yourself? Here's an idea—you can quit your job, relocate1 your family, and buy a zoo. Sound impractical and even a little ridiculous? Not for Benjamin Mee, who does just that in the movie, "We Bought a Zoo". Based on the memoirs2 of real-life Benjamin Mee, the movie is directed by Cameron Crowe, who brought the world "Jerry Maguire" and "Almost Famous".
  Matt Damon of the popular "Bourne" series stars as Benjamin Mee in "We Bought a Zoo". Tragedy strikes Mee and his family when his wife dies, which causes him to question his purpose in life. With his two kids beside him, Mee quits his job and tries to start over by buying a house that needs a little remodeling3. However, what Mee doesn't realize is that he is literally buying a zoo with 47 different animal species. Mee is faced with trying to turn the struggling zoo around, along with giving his family a fresh start. Get your ticket to We Bought a Zoo to see if Mee succeeds.

Building Your Vocabulary

  1. impractical a. 不切實際的;無用的
    Jerry's marketing strategy is impressive but totally impractical.
  2. ridiculous a. 荒唐的;愚蠢的
    It is ridiculous to be jealous of your own child.
  3. star vi.(某人)主演 & vt. 由……(某人)主演
    The movie stars Nicolas Cage as a cop with a strong sense of justice.
  4. literally adv. 的確,真的(強調語氣用)
    Jennifer was so depressed that she literally cried herself to sleep.
  5. struggling a. 掙扎的,苦撐的
    With a strong will, the struggling businessman succeeded in making a name for himself.

    Extra Words

    1. relocate vt. 搬遷;重新安置
    2. memoirs n. 回憶錄(恆用複數)
    3. remodel vt. 改建,重建
    Phrases for Learning

    1. bring up.../bring...up  養育……
      Susan was brought up by her grandparents since her parents were never around.
    2. start over  重新開始,重頭做起
      Josephine had to start over when she burnt her first cake.
    3. turn...around/turn around...  使……好轉
      The boss was able to turn his company around in only two years.



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