
The NT10 Coin To Be Modified, Total Replacement Expected in 2 Years


In January, the Central Bank of the Republic of China will issue the “Republic of China 100 Year Circulated Coin” to replace the current NT10 coin. Two years of time will be used to completely replace the former coins. In addition, the Central Bank will also issue two types of NT10 commemorative coins with the images of Chiang Ching-kuo and Chiang Wei-shui, both with new security features. They will serve as a warm-up for the total NT10 replacement to occur later on.


中央銀行日前宣布,明年1月份將發行「中華民國100年流通幣」,以取代現行的10元硬幣。 預計用2年的時間,將硬幣全面汰舊換新。不但如此,今年中央銀行還將發行以蔣經國及蔣渭水為主題的210元紀念幣,都有全新的防偽功能。也為10元硬幣的全面改版暖身


serve as        當作...
單字 serve 有服務的意思,當它加上介系詞 as 時,就成為當作,用法是 serve as + 某人事物。順帶一提,serve 和 deserve (配得)源自拉丁文`servire`(服務)。
This soup can serve as an appetiser.

change      零錢
單字 change 不僅有改變的意思,同時也有零錢的意思。片語 change hands 則是變換主人的意思,例:This car has changed hands several times. (這輛車已經換了好幾位車主了。)
Don`t forget to bring some change.



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