
 World's Toughest Fixes 2download
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  When a light bulb needs to be changed, you just climb up a ladder and do it. When the pipes are blocked, you call a plumber1 to get the job done. But what happens when something bigger needs to be fixed? The National Geographic Channel calls on Sean Riley, a professional rigger2 and an engineering fanatic3. Riley joins experts to handle some of the most challenging repair jobs in the "World's Toughest Fixes 2" series.

  Sean Riley puts himself as close to the action as possible. He not only gets to the heart of the fix, but he also focuses on the people who are carrying it out. Riley reveals how these experts of the industry diligently and creatively repair damage of enormous scale.

  One of the biggest fixes Riley has to face is the Large Hadron Collider4, the largest atom smasher5 ever built. Buried 50 to 175 meters underground, the LHC is made up of over 1,200 powerful magnets6 connected end to end to form a ring. Riley's job is to help replace one of the most critical components7—a 35-ton magnet.






  1. block vt. 堵塞,阻擋
    William's truck was blocking the road.

  2. challenging a. 具有挑戰性的
    Albert likes to do challenging tasks.

  3. repair n. & vt. 修理,修補 (本文中亦以名詞作形容詞用)
    My father can repair a stereo by himself.

  4. diligently adv. 勤奮地
    The peasant worked diligently on the farm.

  5. critical a. 重要的
    It is critical to make a good impression.


  1. call on...  (正式)要求……
    The government called on the military to aid in rescue efforts.

  2. focus on...  集中焦點/注意力於……
    Lauren's speech focused on healthy eating.

  3. carry...out/carry out...  執行/進行……
    The marketing team is carrying out a survey.



  1. plumber n. 水管工
  2. rigger n. 索具操作工
  3. fanatic n. 狂熱者
  4. Large Hadron Collider n. 大型強子對撞機
  5. atom smasher n. 原子核分裂加速器
  6. magnet n. 磁鐵
  7. component n. 零件


 SENTENCE PATTERN close to the action as possible.
as + 副詞/形容詞 + as possible
= as + 副詞/形容詞 + as + 人 + can
You must get up as early as possible.
=You must get up as early as you can.
Cindy wanted to take as many classes as possible.
=Cindy wanted to take as many classes as she could.



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