When getting rid of garbage, start with your mind.

  Lauren Singer claims she lives a zero-waste life. Is this really possible in our world, where air is polluted, food and drinks are stuffed with _(1)_ harmful chemicals, and millions of tons of garbage are floating in the ocean?
  With a little bit of effort, it is possible, though the problems are vast, and they cannot be solved in the blink of an eye. If everyone takes a small step to _(2)_ his or her life as a trash-free zone, the outcome may surprise you. After all, big things often _(3)_ small beginnings.
  Singer, a New York University graduate majoring in environmental studies, shares her experience in making her life waste-free. One of the biggest problems is plastic packaging. Singer _(4)_ we bring our own reusable bags, jars, and other containers to stores. Regarding her diet, she has a _(5)_ for not eating processed food, which contains a lot of dubious chemicals. Instead, she chooses to eat fresh fruit, fish, nuts, and vegetables. In this way, Singer shows us how to eat healthier food and reduce the problem of packaging. Singer also believes that we can make many things by ourselves. For instance, baking soda is a fine _(6)_ for homemade toothpaste; homemade salad dressing is much tastier than that from a store.
  It is clear that Singer has reconsidered her shopping habits seriously. Indeed, we buy a lot of things we do not need at all, and they end up in a garbage can pretty soon. Singer now buys only second-hand clothes. They are cheaper, thus offering her a wider choice. Ultimately, the benefits of such a lifestyle are _(7)_. It saves a lot of money, encourages healthier eating habits and, as a result, improves our health, and the environment is saved little by little.

1. (A) swiftly  (B) emotionally  (C) potentially  (D) vividly
2. (A) measure  (B) advise  (C) navigate  (D) organize
3. (A) result from  (B) deal with   (C) put off  (D) reflect on
4. (A) discourages  (B) suggests  (C) regrets  (D) threatens
5. (A) fortune   (B) leisure  (C) resistance  (D) preference
6. (A) poison  (B) function  (C) ingredient  (D) flavor
7. (A) obvious  (B) ambiguous  (C) spontaneous  (D) outrageous


  1. Is this really possible in our world, where air is polluted, food and drinks are stuffed with potentially harmful chemicals, and millions of tons of garbage are floating in the ocean?
    a. (A) swiftly adv. 迅速地
    My dog swiftly ran to me when I called it.
    (B) emotionally adv. 情緒化地;激動地
    From time to time, we hear of couples that hurt each other physically or emotionally when they break up.
    (C) potentially adv. 潛在地,可能地
    The police were called in to handle the potentially explosive situation.
    (D) vividly adv. 生動地
    This artist's painting vividly portrays what farm life is like in his hometown.
    b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
  2. If everyone takes a small step to organize his or her life as a trash-free zone, the outcome may surprise you.
    a. (A) measure vt. 測量
    Distances under water can be measured by sonar.
    *sonar n. 聲納
    (B) advise vt. 勸告
    The doctor advised Charles to cut down on drinking alcohol.
    (C) navigate vt. & vi. 導航
    The captain navigated his ship through the rough waters during a storm.
    (D) organize vt. 規劃,籌辦
    To use your time efficiently, you should organize your plans according to their priority.
    b. 根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。
  3. After all, big things often result from small beginnings.
    a. (A) result from...  起因於……,由於……
    The accident resulted from the security guard's carelessness.
    (B) deal with...  處理∕應付……
    Bill tried to convince the boss that he was able to deal with the problem on his own.
    (C) put off... / put... off  延期……
    The project had to be put off due to insufficient funds.
    *insufficient a. 不足的
    (D) reflect on / upon...  思考∕反省……
    The boss wants us to take some time to reflect on what he said at the meeting.
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  4. Singer suggests we bring our own reusable bags, jars, and other containers to stores.
    a. (A) discourage vt. 阻止,勸阻
    The price of the dress alone is enough to discourage me from buying it.
    (B) suggest vt. 建議,提議
    I suggest you thoroughly check your essay for spelling and grammatical errors.
    (C) regret vt. 後悔;遺憾
    Greg ended his relationship with Carla abruptly and regretted it afterwards.
    *abruptly adv. 突然地
    (D) threaten vt. 威脅,脅迫
    Mary wasn't in her right mind when she threatened to commit suicide.
    *in one's right mind  精神正常,理智健全
    b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
  5. Regarding her diet, she has a preference for not eating processed food, which contains a lot of dubious chemicals.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    have a preference for...  偏好∕喜愛……
    I always have a preference for KLM when it comes to choosing flights.
    *when it comes to...  談到∕說到……
    b. 根據上述用法,(D) 項應為正選。
  6. For instance, baking soda is a fine ingredient for homemade toothpaste...
    a. (A) poison n. 毒物,毒藥
    The spy died because his dinner was laced with poison.
    *be laced with...  摻有……
    (B) function n. 功能
    The commercial highlights the cell phone's user-friendly functions.
    (C) ingredient n. 成份,原料
    Cookies are made from flour, sugar, and some other ingredients.
    (D) flavor n. 味道,口味
    The ice cream comes in 25 different flavors.
    b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
  7. Ultimately, the benefits of such a lifestyle are obvious.
    a. (A) obvious a. 明顯的
    There is an obvious hole in the country's tax code.
    (B) ambiguous a. 模稜兩可的
    The wording of this contract is ambiguous. Thus, we refuse to sign it.
    (C) spontaneous a. 隨興的;自然發生的
    I decided to take a trip to Japan because I was feeling spontaneous.
    (D) outrageous a. 駭人的
    The actor tried doing an outrageous stunt by jumping over 15 cars with a motorcycle.
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。





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