
A new program is helping dogs get adopted by letting children read to them.


  Every year in the United States, nearly four million dogs are sent to animal shelters. Many of these dogs have had difficult lives and don't know how to interact with people properly. Troubled dogs may be scared, aggressive, or too energetic. All these problems make it much harder for the dogs to get adopted by any loving families.
  The Humane Society of Missouri has come up with a brilliant idea to help dogs get used to people. Since it didn't have enough staff to give all their dogs one-on-one time, it brought in children with books to help dogs come out of their shells. Thus, the shelter created the Shelter Buddies Reading Program.
  The Shelter Buddies Reading Program is simple: children sit in front of the dogs' cages and read a book out loud. They don't talk to the dogs, or even look at them, but just read and allow the dogs to approach them. Whenever a dog shows interest in the child by coming closer, the child rewards the dog with a treat and then keeps reading. This gives shelter dogs a chance to be around people in a calm setting and teaches the dog that humans are safe. The program also gives children reading practice. Additionally, it teaches young people how to be caring toward animals and respect their feelings.
  To join the Shelter Buddies Reading Program, kids need to go through a 10-hour training program. They are taught how to tell if a dog is afraid or stressed. While in training, the children interact with the dogs while being watched by shelter staff. After they finish training, however, the kids are allowed to come to visit the shelter to read to the dogs whenever they want.

1. Why can't some of the dogs interact with humans well?
(A) They have never seen people before.
(B) They are too young to know how.
(C) They are troubled because of their previously difficult lives.
(D) They have not seen a veterinarian yet.
2. Why didn't the dogs in the shelter get one-on-one time?
(A) The dogs were too dangerous.
(B) All the children liked just a few dogs.
(C) There weren't enough people working there.
(D) Not enough children were available to read to the dogs.
3. Which is NOT a benefit of the Shelter Buddies Reading Program?
(A) The dogs' cages will be cleaned more often.
(B) Children can practice reading skills.
(C) Dogs get to have positive experiences with people.
(D) Young people can learn about caring for others.
4. What do the children learn during their training sessions?
(A) What to do if one of the dogs attacks.
(B) How to tell if a dog is upset.
(C) Which kinds of books dogs like best.
(D) How to properly care for a new pet.


  1. interact with...  與……互動
    interact vi. 互動
    My son's teacher says that he interacts well with his classmates.
  2. come up with...  想出∕提出……(點子等)
    The company is trying to encourage its employees to come up with innovative ideas.
    *innovative a. 創新的
  3. come out of one's shell  克服害羞∕開始與人來往
    Derek has really come out of his shell since he started working here.
  4. show (an) interest in...  對……展現興趣
    More and more Westerners show interest in Confucianism.
    *Confucianism n. 儒家思想
  5. go through...  經歷……,遭受……
    Jim went through a series of interviews before being offered the job.
  6. care for...  照顧∕照料……
    Our neighbor cared for our house when we went to Japan last summer.
  1. shelter n. 庇護所;避難所
  2. adopt vt. 領養,認養
    衍: adoption n. 收養,領養
    Susan is in the process of adopting two children from India.
    The couple couldn't have children of their own, so they went to an adoption agency for help.
  3. properly adv. 正確地;適當地
    This keyboard has not functioned properly since I spilled iced tea on it.
  4. aggressive a. 具攻擊性的;挑釁的
    Some dogs are friendly, others are shy, and still others are aggressive.
  5. brilliant a. 傑出的,優秀的
    Alice is the one who brought up this brilliant idea.
  6. approach vt. 接近,靠近 & n. 方法(其後通常與介詞 to 並用)
    The traveler approached the old man to ask him for directions.
    We'll have to try a new approach to solving our personnel shortage.
    *personnel n. 全體人員
  7. reward vt. & n. 獎賞;報酬
    衍: be rewarded with...  得到……作為犒賞
    Billy did his chores efficiently and was rewarded with an ice cream cone.
    Anyone who finds my lost dog will be eligible for a reward.
    *eligible a. 有資格的
  8. additionally adv. 此外
    同: in addition
    The rent for my new apartment is cheap. Additionally, the location is perfect.
  9. caring a. 有愛心的;關懷的
    The teacher is caring by nature, making her popular among her students.
    *by nature  天生地
  10. previously adv. 先前,以前
    衍: previous a. 先前的
    The results proved what we had previously believed was totally wrong.
    The critic contrasted the director's latest film with his previous works.
    *contrast vt. 使成對比∕對照
  11. available a. 可得到的;可利用的
    反: unavailable a. 得不到的;不能利用的
    This brand of perfume is available in stores around the world.
    The website was unavailable after the actor mentioned it on the talk show.

buddy n. 好朋友,夥伴
troubled a. 感到煩惱的;動盪的
energetic a. 充滿活力∕幹勁的
cage n. 獸籠,鳥籠
treat n. 點心;款待
setting n. 環境;背景
veterinarian n. 獸醫(常縮寫成 vet)






1. 為什麼某些狗狗無法與人類進行良好互動?
(A) 牠們從來沒有看過人類。
(B) 牠們年紀太小而不知道該怎麼做。
(C) 牠們因為先前困苦的生活而充滿不安。
(D) 牠們尚未看過獸醫。
題解:根據本文第一段,其中有許多狗狗經歷困苦的生活,不知道如何與人們進行良好的互動,與 (C) 項敘述最為接近,故為正選。

2. 為什麼收容所的狗狗沒有得到一對一的時間?
(A) 狗狗太過危險。
(B) 所有的孩子都只喜歡幾隻狗。
(C) 沒有足夠的人手在那裡工作。
(D) 沒有足夠的孩子有空可以朗讀給狗狗聽。
題解:根據本文第二段,由於該協會沒有足夠的員工來給所有的狗狗一對一的時間,它帶進兒童與書籍來幫助狗狗克服羞怯心理,故 (C) 項應為正選。

3. 下列哪一項不是『收容所夥伴閱讀計劃』的益處?
(A) 狗狗的籠子會更經常清洗。
(B) 孩子們可以練習閱讀技巧。
(C) 狗狗得以擁有與人類的正面經驗。
(D) 年輕人可以學習如何照顧別人。
題解:根據本文第三段,這給收容所的狗狗在平靜的環境下與人共處的機會,並教導狗狗人類相當安全。這項計劃也給了兒童閱讀練習。此外,它教導年輕人如何關懷動物和尊重牠們的感受,僅 (A) 項未被提及,故為正選。

4. 孩子們在他們的訓練期間學到了什麼?
(A) 假如其中一隻狗攻擊的話要怎麼做。
(B) 如何分辨狗狗是否感到焦躁。
(C) 狗狗最喜歡哪一類型的書籍。
(D) 如何妥當地照顧新寵物。
題解:根據本文最後一段,孩子們必須通過一項十小時的訓練計劃,他們被教導如何分辨狗狗是否感到害怕或緊張,故 (B) 項應為正選。

答案:1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B





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