Big Fun with the Dragon Boat Festival 五月五,過端午 |
As one of the major summer celebrations, the Dragon Boat Festival is a special time for families and communities. It is observed on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, and this year, it falls on June 23. The holiday got its name because it is celebrated around the summer solstice, the day with the longest period of sunlight. The sun is associated with the dragon, which is one reason why these mythical creatures are linked to the festival. There are many methods to celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival. One of the primary ways is to eat zongzis, savory rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves. They can be found in markets and restaurants or prepared at home as part of a family tradition. Another fun pastime that children especially love is standing eggs on end. During this particular time of year, eggs will stand straight up on their widest ends at noon. Doing this is said to bring good luck for the year. For adults, realgar wine is enjoyed. Realgar is a mineral that was regarded as the antidote for all poisons. The wine is d runk for good health. |
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作為夏季重大的節慶之一,端午節對各個家庭和社區群體來說都是個特別的時節。人們會在農曆五月五日這一天來慶祝這個節日,而今年的端午節則是落在國曆六月二十三日。這個節日之所以得名是因為它落在夏至的前後,而夏至就是日照時間最長的一天。太陽又和龍有關,這也就是為什麼這些神話中的生物會和這個節日產生關聯的原因之一(編按:因為太陽從東邊升起,而在中國傳統裡,龍是代表東方的聖物,所以兩者常被牽扯在一起)。 慶祝端午節的方式既豐富又多元。這當中最主要的一種方法就是吃粽子,也就是一種包在竹葉裡的可口飯糰。這種食物常常可以在市場和餐廳裡看到,或是於家中為人們所準備,作為家庭習俗的一部份。另一項深受孩子們喜愛的有趣消遣就是立蛋。每年在這個特別的時節裡,人們可以在正午時分用蛋最圓的那一端將蛋豎直起來。據說這麼做會為一整年帶來好運。成年人則會品嚐雄黃酒。雄黃是一種礦物,被人們視為是一種可以化解所有毒素的解毒劑。人們正是為了健康的因素而飲用雄黃酒。 |
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