
Africa's Deadliest 非洲致命動物
by Marcus Maurice


The land where civilization began is home to many deadly animals.


  In the deepest, darkest corners of Africa, National Geographic Channel (NGC) goes face to face with deadly predators. Equipped with super senses, cunning strategies, lightning-fast reactions, and remarkable physiological adaptations that have been perfected over millennia, the killing machines in the jungles of Africa are some of nature's best hunters.

  Cheetahs are a prime example of this. In the 16th century, kings and emperors kept cheetahs as pets and also used them for hunting. These dangerous animals were easily tamed and formed strong bonds with their trainers. As a matter of fact, the cheetahs that made the best pets were the adults because they already knew how to hunt. While searching for game with their handlers, cheetahs would ride with their eyes covered on the backs of horses or in carts. When prey was spotted, the blindfolds would be taken off and the cheetahs would be unleashed. After the kills, the trainers would reward their cheetahs with fresh meats from wooden spoons.

  Little-known facts about cheetahs and many other menacing animals come to light in Africa's Deadliest, a series on NGC this month. In Africa, numbers are everything, and size doesn't count as much when there is an army on your side. This means that wild dogs working together in a pack can take out animals 10 times their size. The same is true of buffalo herds, especially when they turn the tables on attacking lions and end up devouring them. On Africa's Deadliest, learn how strength in numbers can tip the scales of survival.


  1. go face to face with...  和……面對面
    Sandy was worried about going face to face with last year's winner.
  2. be equipped with...  配備有……
    This car is equipped with a high-tech navigation system.
  3. cunning a. 狡猾的
    The cunning used car salesperson always takes advantage of elderly customers.
  4. adaptation n. 適應(其後常與介詞 to 並用)
    The camel's adaptation to desert conditions is remarkable.
  5. tame vt. 馴服
    It's not easy to tame wild horses.
  6. bond n. 緊密關係;聯繫
    form a bond with...  和……形成緊密的關係
    Jerry formed a bond with his cabinmates during summer camp.
  7. search for...  尋找……
    The detective is searching for clues at the scene of the crime.
  8. take off...  脫掉∕拿掉……
    put on...  穿上∕戴上……
    Please take off your muddy boots before you enter the house.
    It's freezing outside. Put on your jacket, or you'll catch a cold.
  9. unleash vt. 解開……的皮帶;解放
    leash vt.(用皮帶等)栓住,繫住 & n.(拴狗等的)皮帶
    The hunter unleashed the hounds after sighting a fox.
  10. reward A with B  用 B 獎勵 A
    The nurse rewarded the little boy with a lollipop because he didn't cry when he got a shot.
    那個小男孩打針時沒有哭,所以護士給了他 1 根棒棒糖做為獎勵。
  11. menacing a. 有威脅性的
    menace n. 威脅
    pose a menace to...  對……構成威脅
    = pose a threat to...
    The crazy man only poses a menace to himself. He won't hurt anyone else.
  12. come to light  (事情等)為人所知;曝光
    Many new clues came to light when the detective searched the suspect's background.
  13. count vi. 重要
    First impressions really count for many people.
  14. take out...  殺害……;摧毀……
    The sniper took out his target from the tower.
    ? sniper n. 狙擊手
  15. turn the tables on...  反敗為勝,扭轉情勢壓倒……
    The Lakers turned the tables on the Clippers in the fourth quarter of the game.
    湖人隊在比賽的第 4 節扭轉情勢,勝過快艇隊。
  16. devour vt. 狼吞虎嚥地吃;(疫病、火災等)吞沒掉
    I watched as Luke devoured his sandwich in one minute.
    我眼睜睜看著路克在 1 分鐘內狼吞虎嚥把三明治吃掉。
    In no time at all, the wooden building was devoured by the flames.
  17. tip the scales  扭轉局勢;使局勢發生變化
    tip vt. 使傾斜
    scale n. 磅秤
    These factors helped tip the scales of Mark's success.


  1. predator n. 獵食者
  2. lightning-fast a. 閃電般快速的
  3. physiological a. 生理(學)的
  4. perfect vt. 使完美
  5. millennia n. 數千年(millennium 的複數形)
    millennium n. 一千年
  6. cheetah n. 獵豹
  7. prime a. 最好的
  8. game n. 獵物(不可數)
  9. handler n.(警犬、賽犬等的)馴養者
  10. prey n. 被補食的動物,獵物
  11. blindfold n. 眼罩
  12. spoon n. 湯匙
  13. pack n.(狗、狼等的)一群
  14. buffalo n. 水牛
  15. herd n.(牛、象等的)一群


  1. pets/a pet  養……當寵物
  2. strength in numbers  團隊∕團結的力量


  獵豹就是上述最好的例子。在 16 世紀時,國王和皇帝會豢養獵豹當做寵物以及用牠們來打獵。這種危險的動物其實很容易馴服,而且會和訓練師之間形成非常緊密的關係。事實上,最適合拿來當做寵物的是成年獵豹,因為牠們已經知道如何打獵。當跟著馴養者尋找獵物時,獵豹會被矇上眼睛坐在馬背或是馬車上。發現獵物時,就會把獵豹的眼罩拿掉並將牠放開。在獵殺過後,訓練師會用木製的湯匙餵牠新鮮的肉當做獎勵。
  這些關於獵豹及其他具威脅性動物鮮為人知的真相,將在本月份國家地理頻道的《非洲致命動物》系列中,一一呈現在觀眾眼前。在非洲,當你有一大群同類時,數量決定一切,體型反而不是那麼重要。也就是說,當一大群野狗聚集在一起,牠們是有能力殺掉體型大牠 10 倍的動物。相同的情形也可套用在一群水牛身上,尤其是當牠們反敗為勝,最後把發動攻擊的獅子生吞活剝之時。在《非洲致命動物》系列中,來看看團隊力量如何能在生存遊戲中逆轉勝。



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