
Animal Mega Moves 動物大搬家

查詢  2011年)全民英檢100年測驗日程表

When people move from one home to another, all they have to do is box up their possessions1 and load them into the moving van. If they have pets, their small-to-moderate-sized animals are gently put in carriers and manually transported. The teams of specialists on National Geographic Channel's "Animal Mega Moves" wish they had it so easy. Instead, they are assigned the task of moving massive and deadly creatures like elephants, rhinos2, and sharks.
  These teams of expert animal movers, along with vets, have to capture, cage3, and transport very precious cargo4 by land, air, and sea around the world. They must ensure that the creatures not only arrive on time but also in good condition.

  In the "Sharks" episode, NGC follows along as a pair of silvertip sharks are moved from an aquarium5 in Queensland, Australia. Their final destination is a special breeding6 center over 10,000 kilometers away in Dubai. For the 30-hour journey, the experts need to construct special water tanks to keep these fierce predators7 alive. It is a race against time to deliver them before the oxygen runs out.

Building Your Vocabulary

  1. moderate a. 中等的;適度的
    Drinking moderate amounts of red wine is said to be good for one's health.

  2. manually adv. 靠人工地;手動地
    Race car drivers need to shift gears manually.

  3. assign vt. 指派,分配
    Mr. Brown assigned the story to his best reporter.

  4. massive a. 大而重的,巨大的
    A massive sign fell off the building and crushed several cars.

  5. precious a. 珍貴的,寶貴的
    Time is precious, so we cannot afford to waste it.

  6. construct vt. 建造,構築
    The Empire State Building was constructed in just over a year.

  7. fierce a. 兇猛的;激烈的
    The challenger put up a fierce battle at the end of the first round.

Extra Words

  1. possession n. 所有物,財產
  2. rhino n. 犀牛
  3. cage vt. 把……關進籠中
  4. cargo n.(用交通工具裝載的一批)貨物
  5. aquarium n. 水族館
  6. breeding n. 養育,培育(本文中作形容詞用)
  7. predator n. 掠食者

Phrases for Learning

box up.../box...up  把……裝入箱∕盒內
I boxed up all my old toys and put them in the attic.






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