The Country of Festivals 西班牙:少不了節慶狂歡的國度
by Carrie Kellenberger
One reason to travel to Spain is to take part in the many festivals that happen each year.
Look at a calendar in Spain and you will find that there are a multitude of local and national festivals for each region, city, and town throughout the year. Festivals in Spain can be either religious or culture-based. Celebrated with passion and dedication, both kinds are considered to be big parts of life and involve plenty of eating, drinking, and festivities. Some of the more renowned festivals are Semana Santa in Andalucia, the great April Fair in Seville, the spectacular fires of Las Fallas in Valencia, the battle reenactments of Moros y Cristianos in Alcoy, and the running of the bulls in Pamplona. From September to November, most festivals in Spain revolve around the harvest, and the Fiestas de Otono, or Autumn Festivals, pays tribute to grapes. The start of the spring brings about more celebration. In February and March, Carnival is celebrated all over Spain as masses of people dress up in masks and extravagant costumes and parade down the streets. Movie festivals can be found in San Sebastian, Malaga, and Sitges. Music festivals include the FIB, Festimad, Primavera Sound, Bilbao BBK Live, and many others. With monthly celebrations happening throughout the country, a visit to Spain at any time of the year guarantees travelers a glimpse into the wonderful world of festivals. 精解字詞片語 單字小舖 Grammar Tips 中文翻譯 看看西班牙的日曆,你會發現各個地區、城市、鄉鎮在一整年裡有許多地區性或是全國性的節日。西班牙的節日不是有宗教意涵就是和文化背景有關。人們熱情且全心投入地慶祝這 2 類節日,而這些節日被認為是生活中非常重要的部分,充滿了佳餚美酒與慶祝活動。其中一些較為知名的節日包括安達魯西亞的聖週、塞維亞的 4 月春會、瓦倫西亞法雅節的壯麗火光、阿科伊的摩爾人與基督徒日的模擬戰爭,以及潘普隆納的奔牛活動。 從 9 月到 11 月,西班牙大多數節慶的主題都圍繞著收成,而秋日節則是頌揚葡萄的。春天的來臨會帶來更多的慶祝活動。從 2 月到 3 月,整個西班牙都在慶祝嘉年華會,眾人以面具及華麗的服裝精心打扮在街上遊行。電影節在聖賽巴斯帝安、馬拉加、錫切斯等地舉行。音樂節則包括了 FIB、Festimad、Primavera Sound、Bilbao BBK Live 等。這個國家每個月都有節慶活動,因此無論在 1 年當中的哪個時候造訪西班牙,都保證能讓遊客一窺節慶的美妙世界。 引用自:長春藤英語
The larger southern region of Andalucia has more characteristic celebrations, such as bullfighting, flamenco, music, and wine festivals. In smaller towns, the festivals are somewhat more specific, such as the Snail Festival in Lleida and the Sueca Paella Festival.
a multitude of... 許多的……,大量的……
= plenty of...
例: The singer received a multitude of requests to perform live.
例: Peter's dedication made up for his lack of experience.
例: This project involves a lot of time and hard work.
be renowned for sth 以某事物聞名
= be famous for sth
be renowned as + 身分 以某身分聞名
= be famous as + 身分
例: This restaurant is renowned for its award-winning steaks and ribs.
例: Harry is renowned as a fabulous pianist.
be characteristic of... 是……的特色∕特有的
例: Dry air is characteristic of desert climates.
somehow adv. 不知怎地
例: Mrs. Lin is somewhat puzzled by her daughter's recent behavior.
例: Nick's degree is in architecture. Somehow, he ended up working in our company's advertising department.
例: Johnny was wandering around town without a specific destination in mind.
revolve around... 繞著……轉;以……為中心
例: Sally's life revolves around taking care of her children.
pay tribute to... 向……表示敬意
例: We'll pay tribute to our boss at his retirement dinner tonight.
例: The government hopes the luxury tax policy will bring about sweeping economic changes.
例: It's a formal party, so you'll have to dress up.
例: I think it is very extravagant to spend NT$20,000 on a hat.
(我認為花 2 萬塊買 1 頂帽子非常奢侈。)
on parade 列隊行進
例: The protestors held signs and paraded in front of the courthouse.
例: Those soldiers were on parade in front of the presidential building.
例: The director guaranteed that the movie would be a success.
catch a glimpse of... 瞥見……
例: Scuba diving gave me a fascinating glimpse into ocean life.
例: The fans waited hours just to catch a glimpse of their idol.
Both kinds are celebrated with passion and dedication, both kinds are considered to be big parts of life and involve...
但如此一來造成 2 句在一起無連接詞連接的錯誤句構,故將第 1 個子句化為分詞句構,其原則為:
被化簡的子句中,主詞若與主要子句的主詞相同時,該主詞要被刪除,若主詞不同時則予以保留;之後的動詞要變成現在分詞;若該動詞為 be 動詞時,變成現在分詞 being 後可予以省略。
故本句乃因前後主詞相同,所以將第 1 個子句中的主詞 Both kinds 刪除,其後 be 動詞 is 變成現在分詞 being 後予以省略。
例: Threatened with a gun, Kathy handed her purse over to the robber.