
Half a Billion Checking In 五億用戶玩臉書,全球掀起『打卡』熱

                                       查詢  (2011年)全民英檢100年測驗日程表

 If you have not heard of Mark Zuckerberg, then you either have not seen the movie, "The Social Network," or worse, you do not have a Facebook account. The founder and CEO1 of the world's most popular social networking site celebrated a major milestone in July 2010. The project Zuckerberg started in his Harvard dorm2 room passed the 500-million user mark in only six years. That is bigger than the combined populations3 of France, Mexico, and the US.
  However, Zuckerberg and Facebook are not stopping there. They have entered the check-in world with the launch of Facebook Places. This service allows users to post exactly where they are with the touch of a button, which is made possible by the GPS4 devices in their smartphones. Since the check-in notification gets posted to the user's home page, Places makes it easy for those wanting to announce their locations to their friends. What's more, users can tag friends that are nearby as well. The service was first released in the US in August 2010 and has just recently become available for Facebook users in Taiwan. Have you checked in for the world to see yet?
 Building Your Vocabulary

  1. milestone n. 里程碑,重大事件
    For Jeff, moving out of his parents' house was a big milestone on his road to independence.
  2. launch n.(新產品的)推出,上市
    The book became a best-seller soon after its launch.
  3. post vt. 張貼,發佈(訊息、公告等)
    Miss Li will post the results of the exam later today.
  4. notification n. 通知,告知
    We received an official notification that our bank loan was approved.
  5. announce vt. 宣布
    The young actress burst into tears when the presenter announced that she won the Academy Award.
  6. tag vt. 標籤(某人,網路用語);給……加上標籤
    The clerk tagged the cans before stocking the shelves.

Phrases for Learning

  1. pass/reach the...mark  超過∕達到……(標的、程度等)
    The temperature is expected to reach the 30 degree mark in the next few days.
  2. with the touch/push of a button  只消按一個按鈕
    Thanks to the microwave, I can now cook food with the push of a button.

  3. Extra Words

    1. CEO n. 行政總裁(Chief Executive Officer的縮寫)
    2. dorm n. 宿舍(dormitory的簡寫,本文中作形容詞用)
    3. population n. 人口
    4. GPS n. 全球衛星定位系統(Global Positioning System的縮寫,本文中作形容詞用)



      然而,查克柏格和Facebook並沒有就此收手。他們推出Facebook的『地標』功能,藉此投入了『打卡』界(編按:check in為最新的網路用語,用來代表某人在網路上以各種社群網站或軟體來對外發表自己的所在位置,『打卡』則為Facebook官方所翻譯的中文名稱)。這項服務讓使用者只消觸控一個按鍵,就能在網路上張貼他們確切的所在位置,而這點全賴他們智慧型手機裡的衛星定位裝置才做得到。由於『打卡』通知會被張貼在使用者的首頁,因此『地標』功能讓那些想要對朋友公布自己所在位置的人能輕而易舉地辦到這點。此外,使用者還可以把同樣位於附近的朋友也標籤起來。這項服務已於2010年八月在美國先行推出,而台灣的Facebook用戶最近也能夠開始利用這項功能。您是否已經打過卡、讓全世界都看見您了呢?


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