
已經公佈囉!  (2011年) 全民英檢100 年測驗日程表
The Border 美國邊境保衛戰


The United States is the land of opportunity, and many immigrate there in hopes of chasing the American Dream. Most people do this by legal means. However, for some, it is not possible, and they try to enter the US illegally. Their answer is to cross the border into America either by land or by sea. Thanks to the efforts of the US Customs and Border Protection, this task is not as easy as it seems.
   The US Department of Homeland Security created the CBP in 2003, but some form of border patrol1 has been used since the 1900s. The CBP is responsible for patrolling the 8,000 kilometers bordering Canada, the 3,000 kilometers bordering Mexico, and the 3,000 kilometers of coastal waters surrounding the Florida peninsula2. Around 15,000 border patrol agents work around the clock to detect and prevent the illegal entry of undocumented3 foreigners, drugs, or terrorists into the US. Agents are assisted by high-tech cameras, canine4 teams, all-terrain vehicles5, unmanned6 aircraft, high-speed boats, and a fingerprint7 identification system. All these help them deal with the millions of people crossing the border every year.

Extra Words

1. patrol n. & vt. 巡邏
2. peninsula n. 半島
3. undocumented a. 無正式文件的
4. canine a. 狗的,犬科動物的
5. all-terrain vehicle n. 適合行駛於各種地形的車輛
unmanned a. 無人駕駛的
7. fingerprint n. 指紋

Building your vocabulary

. immigrate vi.(從他國)移入,移民 My family immigrated to the US many years ago. 我們全家在多年前就移民來美國了。
2. border n. 邊界 & vt. 與……接壤;圍住 The path to my front door is bordered by colorful flowers. 通往我家門口的小徑上,兩旁都有五彩繽紛的花朵。
3. surround vt. 環繞,圍繞 The police surrounded the abandoned house in which the escaped prisoner was hiding. 警方把那棟有逃犯藏匿其中的廢棄房屋團團圍住。
4. detect vt. 發現,察覺 Michael didn't detect the sarcasm in my voice. 麥可沒有察覺我語氣中的諷刺意味。
5. identification n. 辨識;身分證明(本文中作形容詞用) All guests must show some form of identification before they can enter the club. 客人在進入這間俱樂部前都得先出示一些能證明身份的文件。

Phrases for learning

1. in hopes of + 動名詞∕名詞  抱著……的希望 Neil strived to be the best at everything in hopes of praise from his father. 尼爾在各方面都力求最好表現,希望以此來得到父親的讚許。
2. be responsible for...  負責…… The guide was responsible for making sure that no one got lost or hurt on the tour. 那位導遊負責確保沒有人在觀光行程中走失或受傷。 3. around the clock  日以繼夜地 The surgeons were working around the clock to save the girl's life. 外科醫生正日以繼夜地努力搶救那個小女孩的性命。


美國是機會之地,因此許多人都抱著追尋美國夢的希望移民到當地。多數人都是透過合法的途徑。不過對某些人而言,移民是件不可能的事,因此他們試圖非法入境。他們的解決辦法就是經由陸路或水路偷渡進入美國。多虧了美國海關與邊境保護局所做的努力,非法入境這件事不像表面上的那般容易進行。   美國國土安全部於2003年成立美國海關與邊境保護局,但自1900年代起,美國就已經開始實施某些形式的邊境巡邏。美國海關與邊境保護局負責巡邏長達八千公里的加拿大邊境、三千公里的墨西哥邊境,以及佛羅里達半島周圍的三千公里海域。大約有一萬五千名邊境巡邏隊員日以繼夜地偵察並防止沒有正式文件的外國人士、毒品或是恐怖份子非法進入美國。巡邏隊員有高科技相機、警犬大隊、全地形車輛、無人飛機、高速船隻與指紋辨識系統相佐。所有的這些配備都協助他們對付每年跨越邊境的上百萬人。


...some form of border patrol has been used since the 1900s. (……但自1900年代起,美國就已經開始實施某些形式的邊境巡邏。)  本句中的 since 作介詞用,表『自從……』、『自……之後』,之後接明確的時間、名詞、動名詞或時間副詞 then,形成副詞片語,修飾完成式或完成進行式的主要子句。而 since 亦可作副詞連接詞用,其後引導的副詞子句為過去式,主要子句則為完成式或完成進行式。 Since the last class reunion, I haven't had any contact with Jack. (自從上次同學會之後,我就沒有和傑克聯絡了。) Jenny has worked as an editor since she graduated from college. (珍妮自從大學畢業後就一直在從事編輯的工作。)


    創作者 氣質姐與可愛可 的頭像


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