
The Mediterranean Diet 地中海飲食 還你健康好身材
by Nadia Chung

The Mediterranean diet is the gold standard for healthy eating.

  New diet and weight loss programs are constantly being brought up in response to the global epidemic of obesity. Which ones should be taken _(1)_, and which are mere fads? Dieting for most people is just another way of taking away the _(2)_ of dining at a time when they should be enjoying their food.
  The Mediterranean diet, however, _(3)_ in the crowd. Rather than make you feel deprived, it encourages you to enjoy a balanced assortment of high quality foods. It is not a specific diet plan with rigid rules, but a set of dietary habits and preferences shared by countries that _(4)_ the Mediterranean Sea including Greece, southern Italy, southern France, and Spain. Scientists have found that people in these countries have a higher average life _(5)_ and better quality of life than most people in other Western countries.
  There are three key features of the Mediterranean diet. First, people should _(6)_ a lot of fruits, legumes, unrefined cereals, and vegetables to get fiber and nutrients. Second, a moderate consumption of dairy products, fish, and wine provides healthy fats and antioxidants. The final feature of the diet is a _(7)_ intake of meat products.   Olive oil is the major source of fat in Mediterranean cooking as it is used in _(8)_ everything, ranging from pastas and breads to salads and stews. Olive oil not only adds flavor but also helps _(9)_ cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.
   Because of its many health benefits and _(10)_ qualities, the Mediterranean diet is often regarded as the gold standard for healthy eating. It's no wonder that Mediterranean eating habits are now being adopted in all corners of the world.

(A) disease-preventing (B) take in (C) border (D) limited (E) practically (F) regulate (G) stands out (H) seriously (I) pleasures (J) expectancy

    1. Which ones should be taken seriously, and which are mere fads?
    a. 空格所在位置為一完整子句,可知空格應置入副詞以修飾其前的動詞 be taken。 b. 選項中為副詞的有 (E) practically(實際上、幾乎),和 (H) seriously(認真地),然僅 seriously 置入後符合以下固定用法: take...seriously  認真看待…… 例: If you don't take studying seriously, you'll certainly fail the finals. (假如你不把讀書當一回事,期末考一定過不了。)
    c. 根據上述,可知 (H) 應為正選。

    2. Dieting for most people is just another way of taking away the pleasures of dining...
    a. 空格前有定冠詞 the,其後有介詞 of,可知空格內應置入名詞。
    b. 選項中為名詞的有 (C) border(邊界)、(I) pleasures(樂趣)及 (J) expectancy(預期),然僅 (I) 置入後符合語意,taking away the pleasures of dining 表『剝奪用餐的樂趣』,故選之。
    c. pleasure n. 樂趣

    3. The Mediterranean diet, however, stands out in the crowd.
    a. 空格前有主詞 The Mediterranean diet(地中海飲食法),後有介詞片語 in the crowd(在眾多飲食法中),可知空格應置入第三人稱單數不及物動詞或不及物動詞片語。
    b. 符合上述的選項僅有 (G) stands out(脫穎而出),置入後亦符合語意,表地中海飲食法卻在眾多飲食法中『脫穎而出』,故選之。
    c. stand out  脫穎而出;顯眼例: Barry's academic performance stood out among his peers. (貝瑞的課業表現在同儕中脫穎而出。)

    4. ...shared by countries that border the Mediterranean Sea including Greece, southern Italy, southern France, and Spain.
    a. 空格前的 that 為關係代名詞,等於 countries(國家),為形容詞子句中的主詞,後有名詞詞組 the Mediterranean Sea(地中海),可知空格內應置入及物動詞或片語及物動詞。
    b. 符合上述的選項有 (B) take in(攝取)、(C) border(與……接壤)、(D) limited(限制)及 (F) regulate(調節;控制),然僅 (C) 置入後符合語意,countries that border the Mediterranean Sea 表『與地中海接壤的國家』,故選之。
    c. border vt. 與……接壤 & n. 邊界例: Nepal borders China in the north and India in the south. (尼泊爾北邊與中國為界、南邊則與印度為鄰。)

    5. Scientists have found that people in these countries have a higher average life expectancy and...
    a. 空格前有不定冠詞 a、形容詞 average(平均的)及名詞 life(生命),可知空格內應置入另一名詞,與 life 形成名詞詞組,以供 average 修飾。
    b.選項中為名詞的僅剩 (J) expectancy(預期),且可與 life 形成 life expectancy(壽命),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
    c. expectancy n. 期望,預期 life expectancy  壽命 = lifespan n. 例: The average life expectancy for women is higher than that for men. (女人的平均壽命比男人長。)

    6. First, people should take in a lot of fruits, legumes, unrefined cereals, and vegetables to get fiber and nutrients.
    a. 空格前有助動詞 should(應該),後為名詞詞組 a lot of fruits, legumes, unrefined cereals, and vegetables(很多的水果、豆類、未精製化的榖類食品和蔬菜),可知空格內應置入原形及物動詞或片語及物動詞。
    b. 符合上述的選項尚有 (B) take in(攝取)及 (F) regulate(調節;控制),然僅 (B) 置入後符合語意,表人們應該要『攝取』大量水果、豆類、未精製化的榖類食品和蔬菜以獲取纖維質和養份,故選之。
    c. take in...  攝取……,吃…… 例: The doctor suggested David take in more fruits and vegetables to help his digestion. (醫生建議大衛多吃水果和蔬菜來幫助消化。)

    7. The final feature of the diet is a limited intake of meat products.
    a. 空格前後為不定冠詞 a 和名詞 intake(攝取),可知空格應置入形容詞。
    b. 在剩下的選項中,可作形容詞的有 (A) disease-preventing(預防疾病的)及 (D) limited(有限的),然僅 (D) 置入後符合語意,故選之。
    c. limited a. 有限的

    8. it is used in practically everything, ranging from pastas and breads to salads and stews.
    a. 空格前有介詞 in,其後為名詞 everything,可知空格內應置入可修飾 everything 的詞類。
    b. 選項中可用來修飾 everything 的僅有 (E) practically(幾乎),practically everything 表『幾乎每樣東西』,故選之。
    c. practically adv. 幾乎,差不多注意: practically(= almost)通常用來修飾涵蓋性完全的詞類,計有 4 個:every、no、all 和 any。
    例: You can see that chain store in practically every city. (你幾乎可以在任何一座城市中看到那家連鎖商店。)

    9 . Olive oil not only adds flavor but also helps regulate cholesterol and...
    a. 空格前有及物動詞 helps(幫助),其後有受詞 cholesterol (膽固醇),可知空格內應置入不定詞或原形及物動詞。
    b. 符合上述的選項僅剩 (F) regulate(調節;控制),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。 c. regulate vt. 調節;控制例: It's getting colder in here. Please regulate the temperature of the room. (這裡面愈來愈冷了,麻煩調一下房裡的溫度。)

    10. Because of its many health benefits and disease-preventing qualities, ...
    a. 空格後有名詞 qualities(特質),可知空格內應置入形容詞。
    b. 選項中僅剩 (A) disease-preventing(預防疾病的),置入後符合用法及語意,故選之。
    c. disease-preventing a. 預防疾病的


1. constantly adv. 時常地,不斷地例: Mrs. Smith is constantly complaining about her husband. (史密斯太太經常抱怨她的先生。) 2. bring up...  提出…… (建議、想法等)例: Marcus brought up many creative ideas during the meeting. (馬克斯在會議中提出許多很有創意的想法。)
3. in response to...  回應……,響應…… response n. 回應,響應例: The change in operating hours was in response to customer complaints. (營運時間的調整是為了因應消費者的抱怨。)
4. deprived a. 被剝奪的 deprive vt. 剝奪 deprive sb of sth  剝奪某人某物例: The police deprived the suspect of his civil rights. (警方褫奪這名嫌犯的公民權。)
5. encourage sb to V  鼓勵某人做…… 例: The professor encouraged Lisa to become an engineer. (教授鼓勵麗莎成為工程師。)
6. preference n. 偏好 have a preference for...  偏好/偏愛…… 例: Bill has a preference for outdoor activities such as hiking and biking. (比爾喜好戶外活動,像是健行和騎腳踏車等。)
7. moderate a. 適度的 moderation n. 適度;節制 in moderation  適度地;有節制地例: You can have some wine as long as you drink in moderation. (只要適度,你喝點酒也無妨。) 8. range from A to B  範圍從 A 到 B 都有例: People crazy about video games range from teenagers to adults. (瘋電玩的人從青少年到成人都有。)
9. reduce/lower the risk of...  減少/降低……的風險例: Drinking green tea is said to reduce the risk of some cancers. (喝綠茶據說能降低罹患某些癌症的風險。)
10. It is no wonder + that 子句  難怪…… = No wonder + S + V 例: Bobby is naughty. It is no wonder that he is often punished for misbehaving. (巴比很頑皮,難怪他常會因不乖受到處罰。)



1. epidemic n. 流行,盛行;流行病
2. obesity n. 肥胖
obese a. 肥胖的
3. fad n. 一時的流行,風尚
4. dine vi. 用餐
5. balanced a. 均衡的,平衡的
a balanced diet  均衡的飲食
6. assortment n. 類別;各式各類
an assortment of...  各式各類的……
7. specific a. 特殊的;特定的
8. rigid a. 嚴密的,嚴格的
9. dietary a. 飲食的
10. legume n. 豆類;豆科植物
11. unrefined a. 未精製的;未提煉的
12. cereal n. 榖類食品(指燕麥片、玉米片等早餐食品)
13. fiber n. 纖維
14. nutrient n. 營養物(可數名詞)
nutrition n. 營養(不可數名詞)
15. consumption n. 攝取(食物)
16. dairy a. 乳製品的
17. antioxidant n. 抗氧化劑
18. intake n.(食物的)攝取
19. olive n. 橄欖
20. pasta n. 義大利麵
21. stew n. 燉肉,燉菜
22. flavor n. 味道
23. cholesterol n. 膽固醇
24. benefit n. 好處
25. standard n. 標準
a/the gold standard
26. adopt vt. 採用

1. a set of...  一套的……
2. be regarded as...  被視為…… 


  然而,地中海飲食法卻在眾多飲食法中脫穎而出。這種飲食法不會讓你覺得被剝奪吃東西的樂趣,反而還鼓勵你去享受均衡的各類高品質食物。這並非是個有著嚴厲規定的特殊節食計劃,而是包括像希臘、南義、南法及西班牙等與地中海接壤的國家所共有的一套飲食習慣及偏好。科學家發現這些國家的人民比其他西方國家的大多數人有較長的平均壽命和較佳的生活品質。  地中海飲食有 3 項關鍵的特色。第一,人們應該要攝取大量的水果、豆類、未精製化的榖類食品和蔬菜以獲取纖維質和養份。第二,乳製品、魚類和水果酒的適度攝取可以提供健康的脂肪和抗氧化劑。這項飲食的最後一個特色就是攝取少量的肉製品。


答案: 1. (H) 2. (I) 3. (G) 4. (C) 5. (J) 6. (B) 7. (D) 8. (E) 9. (F) 10. (A)



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