
Despicable Me 神偷奶爸



    The main character is dressed in black and has a scarf1 around his neck, but he is not your typical, friendly neighbor. Instead, he is one of the world's greatest supervillains2. His name is Gru, and he aims to be the best at being bad. However, there is someone else better at being bad than him. This someone is his number one enemy, Vector. So, in order to be the worst of the worst, Gru plans to steal the impossible.
  Gru's goal is to steal the moon. He starts working on his plan in his secret hide-out3, which is hidden deep beneath his black house. He is helped in this task by his army of little, yellow minions4. However, three orphaned5 girls are standing in his way—Margo, Edith, and Agnes. They don't look at him as someone who delights in all things evil. Instead, they see him as a potential dad. Can these three little orphans actually change Gru's ways and stop his evil plan? To find out, don't miss this computer-animated6 3-D film "Despicable7 Me" in theaters soon.


Extra Words

1. scarf n. 圍巾
supervillain n. 超級壞蛋,大反派
3. hide-out n. 藏身之處
4. minion n. 小囉囉,順從聽話的小人物
5. orphaned a. 成為孤兒的 orphan n. 孤兒
6. animated a. 動畫的
despicable a. 卑鄙的


More to know

今年暑假,環球電影公司隆重推出了首部3D立體動畫片《神偷奶爸》,是由《冰原歷險記》系列的導演皮埃爾科芬及克里斯雷納德所執導。主角格魯的配音明星是好萊塢搞笑巨星史提夫卡爾(Steve Carell),而其他的配音陣容還包括傑森席格(Jason Segel)和奧斯卡影后茱麗安德魯絲(Julie Andrews)等人。

Building your vocabulary
1. typical a. 典型的 On a typical day, I work from nine to five. 在一般的日子中,我從早上九點工作到下午五點。
2. beneath prep. 在……之下 Kate found the letter beneath her book. 凱特在書本底下找到了這封信。
3. potential a. 可能的,潛在的 The sale is to attract potential customers. 這次的特賣會是為了要吸引潛在的顧客上門。


Phrases for learning
1. be dressed in...  穿著……(的服裝) Peter is always dressed in business suits. 彼得總是穿著上班用的西裝。 2. aim to + 原形動詞  目標是(做)…… Wendy aimed to get into a good university after graduating from high school. 溫蒂的目標是在高中畢業後進入一間好的大學就讀。 3. work on...  致力於…… The writer spent the last six months working on a novel. 這位作家過去半年來都致力於寫一本小說。 4. stand in + 所有格 + way  阻礙/妨礙某人 I won't stand in your way if you want to move out and live on your own. 如果你想搬出去靠自己生活,我是不會阻止你的。 5. delight in + 名詞/動名詞  喜歡……,以……為樂 Jack delights in te asing his younger sister. 傑克以捉弄他妹妹為樂。

  本部電影的主角身穿黑衣,脖子上還圍著圍巾,但他可不像您家旁邊那種為人和善的典型鄰居。相反地,他是世上最壞的超級大壞蛋之一。他的名字叫做格魯,而他的目標就是要成為壞到不行的壞人。不過有一個人卻比他更擅長使壞。這個人就是他的頭號敵人維克特。所以為了要成為壞中之最,格魯計畫要偷取某樣絕不可能偷到的東西。   格魯的目標就是要偷走月亮。於是他開始在他的秘密藏身處致力安排他的計畫,地點就在他那棟黑色房子下的地底深處。他還有一群黃色的小囉囉協助他完成這項任務。然而卻有三個身為孤兒的小女孩從中阻撓,她們分別是毛毛、蒂蒂和安安。她們並沒有將他視為是某個喜歡從事任何邪惡勾當的人。她們反而把他當作是一個有可能當她們爸爸的人來看待。這三個小孤兒真的可以改變格魯的作風,並阻止他的邪惡計畫嗎?想要找出答案,千萬不要錯過這部即將在各大戲院上映的3D電腦動畫電影《神偷奶爸》。

Tips in use

...Gru plans to steal the impossible.
(……格魯計畫要偷取某樣絕不可能偷到的東西。)  本句中的"the impossible"即等於"impossible things",表『不可能的事物』。某些形容詞之前置定冠詞 the 時,可將其視為複數名詞,用來泛指某一類的人事物,以下為各位列舉其它常見的此類用法: the rich = rich people 富人 the poor = poor people 窮人 the sick = sick people 病人 the elderly = elderly people 老年人 the homeless = homeless people 無家可歸的人 There are special seats for the elderly on the subway. (地鐵裡有專為老年人所設置的座位。)


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