
Somethings about Names



Achilles' heel-  (n. phr.), lit.  A physical or psychological weakness named after the Greek hero Achilles who was invulnerable except for a spot on his heel. (名詞片語) (文語) 指身體上或心理上的弱點;希臘神話英雄-阿基里斯,除腳踝外,渾身刀槍不入;唯一致命的弱點;要害

Ø Jerry is a great, all-around student but his only Achilles' heel is music.



Adam's apple-   (n.)  that part at the front of the throat that is seen to move when a person, esp. a man, talks or swallows. (名詞) 喉結

Ø His Adam's apple is so big! I haven't seen anything like that before.



not know someone from Adam-  (inf.)  to have no idea of what someone looks like. (非正式) 不知某人相貎如何;與某人素不相識

Ø Who is Karen? I don't know Karen from Adam.

  誰是Karen 我不認識她。


all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy-  (proverb) 格言;只工作不玩耍會讓人變笨  Too much hard work without time out for play or enjoyment is not good for anyone. 只工作不玩耍,有害無益

Ø You should go out and breath some fresh air sometimes—all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.



Aunt Tom-  (n.) slang  A successful professional or business woman who, due to her success in a masculine profession, doesn't care about the women's liberation movement.  (名詞;俚語) 事業上的女強人,不支持或不同情婦女解放運動的黑人婦女

Ø His mother is an Aunt Tom and you'd better respect her!



average Joe-  (n. phr.)  An average, ordinary person. (名詞片語) 一般人;普通人

Ø You don't need to expect too much from him, he is only an average Joe.



before one can say Jack Robinson-  (adv. inf.)  Very quickly; suddenly. (副詞;非正式) 快而且意外地;突然;剎那間;轉眼之間;事情發生得相當快;突如其來

Ø Before I could say Jack Robinson, my girlfriend is gone.





belle-  (n.)  a popular and attractive girl or woman, esp. one whose charm and beauty make her a favorite. (名詞) 美女;美婦,尤指因魅力及美貎而受人喜愛者 (迪士尼動畫"美女與野獸"的女主角就叫Belle)

Ø My younger sister is a belle, everyone likes her!




Dennis the Menace-  (n. phr.)  After the notorious television character played by a young boy who always creates trouble for the grownups.  Any hyperactive little boy who needs calming down.  (名詞片語) 一位頑皮、愛製造麻煩的小男孩,在電視上走紅後所代表的名詞片語;任何需要冷靜下來的過動兒

Ø My youngest cousin is “Dennis the Menace”, he's always full of energy.



great Godfrey or great Scott-  (interj.) inf.  A saying usually used to show surprise or anger.  (感嘆詞;非正式) 表示驚奇或憤怒

Ø Great Scott!  What have you done to my car?!

  天哪! 你把我的車怎麼了?!



hector (Hector)-  (v.)  To be rough in manner towards (someone); bully. (動詞) 威嚇;嚇阻敵人 (希臘神話英雄,但最後死於Achilles手下)

Ø My teacher hectored us to study harder.



holy Moses-  (interj.), inf.  Used to express strong feeling (as astonishment, pleasure, or anger); used in speech or when writing conversation. (感嘆詞;非正式) 用來表達強烈的情緒(如驚奇、訝異、愉快或是憤怒)

Ø Holy Moses!  I can't believe that I've won!

  天呀! 我不敢相信我贏了!


if the hill will not come to Muhammad, Muhammad will go to the hill-  (proverb)  If one person will not go to the other, then the other must go to him. (格言) 如果那座山不會到,那位先生就會去那座山

Ø My friend's car is broken so I'll have to go to him--if the hill will not come to Muhammad, Muhammad will go to the hill.



Jack of all trades-  (n.), inf.  Often followed by the words “master of none.”)  A person who is knowledgeable in many areas. (名詞;非正式) (通常後半句會接”master of none.”)  萬事通,無事精通;樣樣都懂,但可能無一精通;博藝但不專精  Can be used as praise, or as a derogatory remark depending on the context and the intonation.  視上下文、語氣而定,可以用來讚美或是貶低別人

Ø Greg is a jack of all trades; he should try for the quiz show.


Ø “Why did you do such a lousy job?  You “Jack of all trades.”

  為什麼你把事情做得那麼糟? 你樣樣都懂,但不專精



Jesus boots or Jesus shoes-  (n.), slang  Men's sandals, particularly as worn by hippies and very casually dressed people. (名詞;俚語) 涼鞋

Ø “Your Jesus boots are so cool, where did you get them?”



Joe Doakes-  n.  A name used informally for the average man. (名詞) 非正式的用法;普通人,老百姓

Ø Joe Doakes goes to the movies about five times a year.



John Doe-  n.  A name used for an unknown person, especially in police and law business. (名詞) 某甲,用於法律上的假名

Ø The car alarm went off as John Doe was trying to steal the car.



John Hancock or John Henry-  (n., inf.)  Your signature; your name in writing. (名詞;非正式) 親筆簽名

Ø “Please put your John Hancock at the bottom of the paper.”



Johnny-come-lately-  (n.)  Someone new in a place or group; newcomer; a new person who takes an active part in group affairs before the group has accepted him. (名詞) 新來的人

Ø “Have you met our Johnny-come-lately?”  “He is so cute!”

  你有碰到那個新來的人嗎? 他好可愛!


Johnny-on-the-spot-  (adj. phr.)  At the right place when needed; present and ready to help; very prompt. (形容詞片語) 可適時幫忙的人

Ø The policeman was Johnny-on-the-spot and caught the burglar.



John Q. Public-  (n.)  A name used informally for the average citizen. (名詞) 非式式用法,指一般民眾

Ø It's John Q. Public's duty to vote for the presidential election.



keep up with the Joneses-  (v. phr.)  To follow the latest fashion; try to be equal with your neighbors. (動詞片語) 趕時髦;別人買什麼,自己就跟著買什麼;與鄰居在社會地位上比高下

Ø Sherry always keeps up with the Joneses; she buys everything!



life of Riley-  (n. phr.) inf.  A soft easy life; pleasant or rich way of living. (名詞片語; 非正式) 安逸的生活;舒適或富有的生活

Ø He's living the life of Riley after he has retired.                     


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