
No matter where we might come from, chances are that our childhoods had one thing in common. That thing is we all had our favorite stuffed animals. Have you ever wondered why so many children have a beloved1 stuffed bear, though?
  Stuffed bears as children's toys go back to the early 20th century when the teddy bear was invented. These bears are named after American President Theodore Roosevelt. The story goes that he was out on a hunting trip and showed a black bear some kindness. This gave toy maker Morris Michtom an idea, and the teddy bear was born.
  Since then, many iconic2 bears have stolen our hearts. Winnie the Pooh, the honey-loving stuffed bear of cartoon legend, was the creation of writer AA Milne. His son, Christopher Robin, had a teddy bear he named after a real Canadian black bear named Winnie he often saw at the London Zoo.
  Then there is Paddington Bear. Writer Michael Bond came up with this character when he saw a lone teddy bear on a toy store shelf near London Paddington Station. He bought the bear for his wife, proving you are never too old to cuddle up with a teddy bear.

Words & Phrases

  1. common  有……的共通點
    Although Taylor and Kevin don't have much in common, they are still good friends.
  2. stuffed a. 填充(鬆軟材料)的
    Sandy's room is full of stuffed animals and other toys.
  3. wonder vt. & vi. 納悶;想知道
    I wonder why Amanda skipped so many classes this semester.
  4. be named after...  以……的名字命名
    Phil's son Jackson was named after his favorite singer.
  5. kindness n. 仁慈;好意
    Stacy is known for her kindness because she always adopts stray animals.
  6. legend n. 傳奇(人物);傳說
    Elvis Presley is considered to be one of the great rock-and-roll legends.
  7. come up with...  想出∕提出……
    Robert came up with a brilliant idea to successfully solve the client's problem.
  8. cuddle vi. & vt. 熱情地摟住
    cuddle up  依偎,緊貼著身子躺∕坐
    The kids cuddled up together and tried to get warm.

Extra Words

  1. beloved a. 心愛的,寶貝的
  2. iconic a. 代表性的,指標性的



  從此以後,許多具有代表意義的熊熊就擄獲了我們的心。小熊維尼這隻喜愛蜂蜜的卡通傳奇填充玩具熊是作家 AA 米爾恩的創作。他的兒子克里斯多福‧羅賓曾有一隻泰迪熊,牠是以一隻他常在倫敦動物園看到,名為維尼的真實加拿大黑熊的名字來命名的。




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