Have you ever wondered what your pet does when you are not at home? The creators of Despicable Me and Minions answer that question in the movie The Secret Life of Pets. Inside a small New York City apartment sits a tiny terrier* named Max, who eagerly waits for his owner, Katie, to return home from work. One day, Katie comes home with a big surprise for Max — a large mutt named Duke. In addition to being big and hairy, Duke is really good at getting himself and Max into trouble. Before they know it, both Max and Duke are lost on the streets of New York City looking for a way back home.
Production on the movie began in January of 2014. The main characters feature the voice talents of comedians Louis CK, Kevin Hart, and Hannibal Buress, among many others. The writers and directors of the movie previously worked together on the Despicable Me series and other animated movies. The Secret Life of Pets is set to be released this month in 3D.
Words & Phrases
- eagerly adv. 熱切地
At the party, Rose eagerly introduced her boyfriend to us.
派對上,蘿絲熱切地向我們介紹她的男友。 - in addition to + N/V-ing 除了……之外
In addition to meat, Nina also refuses to eat foods with lots of sugar.
妮娜除了不吃肉之外,她也不吃含糖量高的食物。 - hairy a. 毛茸茸的
David doesn't like going swimming because he doesn't want people to see his hairy back.
大衛不喜歡去游泳,因為他不想讓人看到他多毛的背部。 - be good at... 擅長……
This mother is good at making up bedtime stories for her children.
這位媽媽很會編睡前故事給她的孩子聽。 - get sb into trouble 使某人惹上麻煩
Tina got me into trouble when she told the teacher about the jokes I made.
蒂娜告訴老師我開的玩笑,害我麻煩大了。 - production n. 製作
The production of a car takes only 12 hours at this factory.
在這間工廠,一輛車的製造時間只需十二小時。 - comedian n. 喜劇演員
This comedian has been in demand ever since he starred in that blockbuster movie.
該喜劇演員自從演出那部賣座片後就炙手可熱。 - previously adv. 先前地
Mandy is now a flight attendant, but she previously worked at a language center.
terrier n. 㹴(犬)
你曾經想過當你不在家的時候你的寵物在做什麼嗎?《神偷奶爸》和《小小兵》的創作者在電影《寵物當家》裡回答了那個問題。在紐約市一座小公寓裡有一隻名叫麥斯的小㹴犬,牠都熱切地等牠主人凱蒂下班回家。有一天,凱蒂帶了一個大驚喜回家給麥斯 ── 一隻名叫公爵的大混種狗。公爵除了又大又毛茸茸之外,牠很容易為自己和麥斯惹麻煩。在牠們知道之前,麥斯和公爵在紐約市的街道上迷路,並設法找到回家的路。
電影的製作開始於 2014 年一月。主角由喜劇演員路易 CK、凱文‧哈特、漢尼拔‧布瑞斯和許多其他演員獻聲主演。電影的編劇和導演先前曾聯手合作過《神偷奶爸》系列和其他動畫片。《寵物當家》預計在這個月以 3D 上映。