Visit this one-of-a-kind lake where you can really take a walk on the wild side.
When you think about going to a lake, you probably think about swimming or lying on a sandy beach to enjoy the sunshine. You would never dream about walking on the water. But that’s exactly what you can do at Pitch Lake in Trinidad, a body of water unlike any other.
First of all, Pitch Lake doesn’t only contain water. It also has a mix of oil, clay, and tar called pitch. This sticky black goo▼ is extremely thick, but still a liquid. Even so, the mixture can be walked on. Move too slowly, though, and you might start to sink.
The lake is huge, 100 acres▼ in size, and it could be over 70 meters deep in some places. Rather than swimming and other water activities, the pitch is mined for asphalt▼ and sent around the world. It has been used to pave▼roads in over 50 countries to date. Experts say even if mining▼ continues, the pitch could last for another 400 years. That means you’ve still got time to plan a trip there and see Pitch Lake in person.
Unlike her sister, Jenny is very quiet.
2. contain vt. 含有,裝盛
Fried chicken is unhealthy and contains a lot of calories.
* calorie n. 卡路里
3. mix n. 混和 & vt. 混,混合
mixture n. 混和物
Dave’s retirement party was a mix of fun and excitement.
The formula includes a mixture of egg whites and milk.
* formula n. 配方;公式
4. sticky a. 黏的
My children’s fingers were sticky from all the candy they ate during the movie.
5. extremely adv. 極其;極端地
It is extremely dangerous to swim alone.
6. sink vi. 下沉,下陷,沉沒(三態為:sink, sank, sunk)
The wooden boat crashed into the rocks and sank.
7. mine vt. 開採;採礦 & n. 礦坑
Blood diamonds are precious stones that are mined in countries that are considered war zones.
8. to date 迄今;到目前為止
To date, over 200 people have been hurt in the terrorist attack.
* terrorist n. 恐怖分子
▼ pitch n. 瀝青
▼ tar n. 煤焦油瀝青;柏油
▼ goo n.(令人生厭的)黏性物質(非正式用法)
▼ acre n. 英畝(土地丈量單位)
▼ asphalt n. 瀝青,柏油
▼ pave vt. 鋪(路)
▼ mining n. 開採行為;採礦(業)