An ancient tradition continues in the town of Kandy in Sri Lanka.

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At Chestnuts Primary School in England, a program that TV chef Jamie Oliver would be proud of continues to make a difference.

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 Portuguese islands emerging from the ocean hold danger and intrigue.

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Learn about an Indian tradition that delivers homemade meals hot and fresh.

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Be careful when you take a trip down Bolivia's highway from hell.

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Sweden's third largest city opens tiny stores for rodents.

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"If something exists, somebody somewhere collects them."

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One teenager's invention could become the world's next big success story.

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Bravery pins are giving a deeper meaning to what you pin on your shirt.

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台灣的夏天真是熱的讓人不想出門,只要稍微活動一下,汗如雨下,彷彿融出油來,真是不舒服! 不過工作了一星期,周休二日還是覺得應該放鬆一下,Janice怕曬怕熱、妮妮不要走路,妮妮爸爸想到這個好地方,讓我們這對不耐操的母女,可以在夏天走出戶外,培養親子感情~ 


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