基隆,每次都往長榮H 的方向走,可以到東北角方向,或坐火車去廟口吃吃東西,再回來。這次為了看看這個砲台,往西岸碼頭方向 ,Janice很少往這走。

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The “Tokyo Sky Tree” currently being built, has reached 383 meters. It is now taller than the Tokyo Tower, and has become the tallest tower in Japan. It is understood that when completed, the Tokyo Sky Tree will be 634 meters; the tallest electric wave tower in the world. It will replace the Tokyo tower to become the radio broadcasting station for digital television. Many Japanese have gone to the Sky Tree construction site at the Sumida District in Tokyo to take photos in order to celebrate the birth of this new landmark.

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每次去士林夜市,一定是吃到撐,才放棄。沒辦法 天性好吃,看到不吃 很痛苦  ,這次大部分都挑沒吃過的攤子,換換口味呀!!

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2009年的一部卡通動畫片 "天外奇蹟",有一段情節令人印象深刻--->> 一棟綁了上萬顆氣球的房子遨翔在天空!

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氣質姐與可愛可 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

這是一家標榜每道餐飲都註記卡路里的連鎖早午餐店。不管是噱頭,還是真為了養生著想...................Janice和兩位好友都覺得應該去一探究竟。 Let's figure it out!!

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Janice也不知道這叫不叫做 "簽名檔" ?     就是標示在相片右下方的部落格名字啦!!!

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