Frankenweenie 科學怪犬
There are few people in the world who aren't familiar with the classic tale of Frankenstein. Images of the mad scientist, Victor Frankenstein, and the large monster that he made from human body parts come to mind. Furthermore, who could forget when the monster comes to life after being struck by lightning? These scenes have left many readers and moviegoers with nightmares. Now, there is a twist on this story that is not so horrifying. Frankenweenie is a touching tale about a boy and his dog. Ten-year-old Victor Frankenstein loves science and his dog Sparky. They do everything together like play catch and make homemade movies. However, things change when Sparky dies in a car accident. Victor can't stop thinking about his best friend, so he figures out a way to bring him back to life. If you guessed that he uses science and lightning just like in the original Frankenstein, you are right. Unfortunately, Victor's secret gets out and creates a whole new set of worries for him and the town where he lives. Catch Frankenweenie in theaters to see if Victor can also restore life to order.</ p> |
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世界上很少有人對《科學怪人》這個經典故事不熟悉的。您腦中不免會浮現維多‧法蘭克斯坦這位瘋狂科學家的畫面,以及他用各種人體部位拼湊而成的巨大怪物。此外,又有誰能忘得了怪物被閃電擊中後就活了過來的那段戲?這些場景著實讓眾多讀者及影迷晚上都惡夢連連。如今,這則故事出現了一個不那麼可怕的改編版本。 《科學怪犬》是一段關於某位男孩和他愛犬的感人故事。十歲大的維多‧法蘭克斯坦熱愛科學以及他的狗狗史巴基。不管是玩丟接遊戲或自己拍電影,他們做所有事情都黏在一起。不過當史巴基死於一場車禍,一切事情都變了。維多朝思暮想著他的好友,於是他便想出一個讓牠起死回生的辦法。如果您猜想他像原版《科學怪人》一樣運用科學和閃電,那麼您就答對了。不幸的是,維多的秘密被人發現,而且還為他及他所居住的小鎮帶來一連串的新麻煩。敬請到戲院觀賞《科學怪犬》,看看維多是否能讓他的人生重回正軌。 |