The Fashion of Economics 時尚經濟 by Rebecca A. Fratzke |
As the world's economy changes, fashion trends reflect whether it's getting better or worse. 隨著世界經濟產生變化,時尚潮流反映出經濟是否變好或變壞。

For years, people have been watching how the hemlines of women's skirts and dresses rise and fall. This is not because they are interested in fashion or an attractive pair of legs. It actually has to do with a country's economic standing. _(1)_ This means the shorter the skirt, the better the economy.
This belief, known as the hemline theory, was taken seriously for many years beginning in the 1920s. One reason it held true was that when times were good, fabric producers charged more for their materials, causing designers to cut costs by raising hems. _(2)_
However, times have changed. With so many different styles of dresses and skirts available, it is next to impossible to rely on the hemline theory anymore. _(3)_ It just means there's a new theory that rings true, and it's called the basics theory. _(4)_ When times are good, people spend more money and take more risks with their wardrobe. If a new fashion trend becomes popular and sticks, it shows that people are in a good position to dish out some extra money on a daring new outfit. _(5)_
(A) Another reason was that during that time, when real silk stockings were worn, women wanted to show off when they could afford them and cover up when they couldn't. (B) Many news organizations have reported that people can tell whether the economy is doing well or not by the length of women's hemlines. (C) Although the theories have changed, miniskirts still seem to indicate that the economy is sitting pretty, as are the women wearing them. (D) Yet, this does not mean fashion and economics are no longer connected. (E) Now, when times are rough, people are generally only willing to buy basic pieces to replace the worn out ones in their wardrobe.
原來如此 |
- 第一題空格應選 (B)
理由: a. 空格前一句提及裙襬的長短和國家的經濟地位有關連,關鍵詞組 a country's economic standing (某國的經濟地位)和選項中的 (B) 項 whether the economy is doing well or not 產生關鍵字連繫,而空格後一句也提及 the economy(經濟)一字。 b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。 大補丸: a. report vt. 報告(後接 that 子句) The doctor reported that the patient had fully recovered from the illness. 醫生報告那名病患已經完全自該疾病中恢復過來了。 b. length n. 長度 The river is two hundred kilometers in length = The river is two hundred kilometers long. 這條河長達兩公里。
- 第二題空格應選 (A)
理由: a. 空格前一句有 One reason (why) it held true was that...(為什麼這個理論是有道理的有一個理由就是,就是……),其主詞為 One reason。選項 (A) 中,主詞也有 Another reason(另一個理由),兩關鍵詞形成連繫,且兩句結構一致,形成 One reason was that.... Another reason was that... 的結構。 b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。 大補丸: a. silk stockings n. 絲襪 b. show off(...) 炫耀(……) Jeff likes to show off, which is why nobody likes him. 傑夫很愛現,這就是為什麼沒人喜歡他的原因。 c. afford vt. 負擔得起 can / cannot afford to V 負擔得起從事…… Lisa got a promotion last month, so now she can afford to buy a new car. 麗莎上個月獲得升遷,所以她現在買得起新車。 d. cover up sth 遮蓋住某物 Lucy covered up her acne with makeup. 露西用妝遮蓋粉刺。
- 第三題空格應選 (D)
理由: a. 空格後一句 It just means (that) there's a new theory that...(這只是意味著有個新理論……),選項 (D) 中 Yet, this does not mean (that)...(然而,這不意味……),此兩句皆有 mean 這一個關鍵字,使兩句產生關聯。 b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。
- 第四題空格應選 (E)
理由: a. 空格後的句子有 When times are good,...(當時局好的時候,……),選項 (E) 中有 when times are rough,...(當時局不好的時候,……),形成對比。 b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。 大補丸: a. rough a. 艱困的(= tough) Mike has had a really rough time recently. 邁可最近日子一直過得很不順。 b. be willing to V 願意從事…… I know the job may be difficult, but I'm willing to give it a try. 我知道這工作也許很困難,但我願意嘗試。 c. replace vt. 取代 It's not a good idea to skip meals and replace them with snacks. 略過正餐不吃用點心取代並不是個好主意。 d. worn-out a. 穿破的 wear sth out 使某物磨損 I wore out two pairs of shoes last year. 我去年穿破了兩雙鞋。 e. wardrobe n. 衣櫥
- 第五題空格應選 (C)
理由: a. 由於選項中僅剩 (C),故為正選。 大補丸: a. indicate vt. 指出(後接 that 子句) The report indicated that the press was partly to blame for the woman's death. 這則報導指出,新聞界要負起這名女子死亡的部分責任。 b. be sitting pretty 景況很好 With profits at a record high, the company is certainly sitting pretty right now. 隨著利潤達到創紀錄水平,該公司現在景況肯定不錯。
精解字詞片語 |
- belief n. 信念,看法
It's my belief that wiping out masses of people with nuclear weapons is immoral. 我認為用核子武器消滅人群是不道德的。
- take sth seriously 嚴肅看待某事
take sth lightly 輕鬆看待某事 I was just joking, so please don't take my words seriously. 我只是開玩笑,因此請不要把我的話當真。 This is not a problem we should take lightly. 這不是一個我們可以輕鬆以對的問題。
- charge vt. 收費
If you order NT$3,000 worth of products, we won't charge you for the delivery. 如果您訂購價值 3 千元新台幣的產品,我們就不會收運費。
- be next to impossible 幾乎是不可能的
= be almost impossible It is next to impossible to learn to speak a foreign language without any practice. 不做任何練習就要會說外語幾乎是不可能的事。
- take risks / a risk 冒險
You have no right to take risks with other people's lives. 你無權拿他人的生命來冒險。
- be in a position to V 有立場從事……
I'm afraid I'm not in a position to express my views freely. 恐怕我沒有立場自在地表達我的看法。
- dish sth out 大量發出某物
The promoters dished out leaflets to passers-by. 那些推廣者將傳單大量發給過路人。
單字小舖 |
- hemline n. 裙擺
- attractive a. 有吸引力的
- economic standing 經濟地位
- fabric n. 布料,織料
- available a. 可買得到的
- daring a. 大膽的
- outfit n. 整套衣服
中文翻譯 |
這種看法被稱為『裙襬理論』,在 1920 年代初期開始受到重視且行之多年。該理論之所以有道理其中一個原因就是,當時局好時,布料商會收較多材料費,促使設計師提高裙襬高度來削減成本。另一個原因是因為當時女性穿的是真正的絲襪,她們會想要在能買得起絲襪時多加炫耀,買不起時就把腿遮起來。 然而,時代已經改變。現在能買到那麼多不同風格的洋裝和裙子,我們要倚賴裙襬理論幾乎是不可能的了。然而,這並不意味時尚和經濟不再有關聯。這只是意味著有一種新理論聽起來也很有道理,這個理論被稱為『基本需求理論』。現在時局很艱困時,大家一般只願意購買基本款式的衣物來取代衣櫃裡破舊的衣物。景況好的時候,大家會多花錢冒更大的風險添購衣櫃裡的衣物。如果新時尚風潮變得受歡迎且持續下去,這顯示大家景況還不錯,能額外多花一些錢購買風格大膽的整套新衣物。雖然這些理論已經改變,迷你裙似乎仍然表明著經濟景況不錯,那些穿迷你裙的女士坐著時也很漂亮。
答案:1. B 2. A 3. D 4. E 5. C
Usage Tips
1. 比較 ring true 和 hold true
true 表『真實的』,本文當中使用到 ring true 及 hold true 兩個搭配用語。ring true 表『聽起來有道理』;hold true 表『成立,有道理』。
His excuse just doesn't ring true to me.
These findings do not hold true for women from rural communities.
2. have (something) to do with... 和……有關
have nothing to do with... 和……無關
That has nothing to do with what we're discussing.