Ancient X-Files II: Decoding the Incas 古老 X 檔案之二:印加人解碼 by Marcus Maurice |
A mystery about khipus is clarified on National Geographic Channel. 國家地理頻道將澄清一則關於奇普的奧秘。

The Incas of South America have fascinated experts for years. The Incan Empire absorbed a large part of western South America from 1438 through 1533. They were a vibrant civilization, left monumental architecture, invented new technologies, and had ways to mobilize people and resources, but they were missing one thing—a written language. Most cultures have a system of writing, which is a defining attribute of a complex civilization, so archeologists studying the Incas have been stumped for years. Now, Natio nal Geographic Channel (NGC) may have new answers .
While no traces of a written Incan language have been discovered, historians have always been fascinated with their khipus, which are a series of knotted threads on a line. These knots are nothing like the ones Boy Scouts tie, though. Instead, khipus consist of individual strings that hang down from horizontal cords. They were originally thought to be counting devices like abacuses. One investigator took a look at 450 of the 600 khipus left in existence and came up with a new theory. She examined them with a multi-spectral scanner and now believes that they are three-dimensional systems f or record keeping. Also, a growing number of experts agree that some of the khipus tell stories about Incan history. If this is true, then the Incas would have had a written language very different from that of any other society in the world. The decoding of the riddle of the khipus would be a breakthrough of epic proportions. Check out NGC this month to see for yourself.
精解字詞片語 |
- fascinate vt. 使著迷
be fascinated by/with... 對……感到著迷 The origin of the universe has fascinated Patrick since he was a boy. 派崔克從他還是個小男孩以來就對宇宙起源感到著迷。 All of the teenagers were fascinated by the online video game. 所有青少年對於那款線上電動遊戲都很著迷。
- absorb vt. 併吞
The area's surrounding small towns have been absorbed into the big city. 此區四周的小城鎮都已被併吞至大城市內。
- vibrant a. 生氣勃勃的
This area developed into a vibrant commercial center in the mid-1920s. 此地區在 1920 年代中期發展成充滿活力的商業中心。
- mobilize vt. 動員
The union mobilized thousands of workers in a protest against further salary cuts. 該工會動員上千名工人抗議更進一步的減薪。
- attribute n. 屬性,特質 &
vt. 把……歸因於 Patience is one of the most important attributes in a teacher. 老師最重要的特質之一就是耐心。 The business tycoon attributes his success to hard work and a little luck. 那位商業鉅子把他的成功歸因於努力及一點點的運氣。
- stump vt. 使難倒(= baffle)
Farmers are aware of the problem, but they are stumped about what to do to fix it. 農夫都知道那個問題,但他們對於如何改正感到束手無策。 Kate was stumped about what to say. = Kate was left speechless. 凱特無言以對。
- trace n. 痕跡,遺跡;微量
The prisoner seemed to have vanished from the police van without a trace. 那名囚犯似乎已從警車上消失無蹤。 Susan speaks English without the slightest trace of an accent because she was raised in New York City. 蘇珊講英語講得絲毫沒有口音,因為她在紐約市長大。
- horizontal a. 水平的,橫的
horizon n. 地平線;眼界 broaden one's horizons 拓展某人的視野 Brenda wanted to travel around the world to broaden her horizons. 布蘭達想要環遊世界來拓展視野。
- in existence 存在的
The museum is home to the oldest Hebrew manuscript in existence. 這間博物館保存現今最古老的希伯來文手稿。
- record keeping 記錄保存
keep a record of... 將……作記錄 You should keep a record of your expenses to see where your money goes. 你應該要將支出作記錄,目的是要看錢都花在哪兒了。
- breakthrough n. 突破性的進展
(之後與介詞 in 並用) break through 突破 The scientists made a major breakthrough in cancer research. 那些科學家在癌症研究上有了重大的突破。 Many attempts have been made to break through discrimination at school and the workplace. 人們已經多次嘗試突破校園和職場上的歧視。
- proportion n.
程度,地步(常用複數) be of epic proportions 程度很大的,令人震驚的 The food shortage will increase to massive proportions if something is not done soon. 如果有些事情不趕快完成的話,這次的糧食短缺的問題將會增加至大規模的程度。
- 自己親眼看
If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself. 如果你不相信我的話,你可以自己去親眼看看。
單字小舖 |
- decode vt. 解(碼)
- civilization n. 文明
- monumental a. 具紀念性的
- architecture n. 建築(物)
- invent vt. 發明
- defining a. 界定的
- complex a. 複雜的
- archeologist n. 考古學家
- historian n. 歷史學家
- knotted a. 打結的
- thread n. 細繩
- individual a. 個別的;獨立的
- string n. 細繩
- abacus n. 算盤
- examine vt. 檢視
- spectral a. 光譜的
- three-dimensional
a. 三度空間的,三維的
- riddle n. 謎語
中文翻譯 |
南美洲的印加人多年來都讓專家們感到著迷。印加帝國自西元 1438 年到 1533 年併吞了南美洲西部的大部分地區。印加人有著生氣蓬勃的文明、遺留下具紀念性的建築物、發明了新技術、也有辦法動員人力及資源,但他們卻少了一樣東西──文字。大多數的文化都有文字系統,而文字系統的特性就是它可以界定複雜的文明,因此那些不斷研究印加文明的考古學家多年來一直未能突破。如今,國家地理頻道在《古老 X 檔案之二:印加人解碼》節目中可能會有新的解答。
雖然從沒人發現過印加文字的遺跡,歷史學家卻還是始終著迷於他們的「奇普」,這是印加人在繩子上打出來一串串的繩結。但是這些繩結和童子軍所綁的那些繩結不同。相反地,「奇普」是由水平繩索上垂掛下來的獨立細繩所組成。起初,大家都認為它是用來計算東西的工具,就像算盤一樣。某研究員看了所留存 600 個奇普中的 450 個後,提出了一個新理論。她利用多光譜掃描儀檢視那些奇普,她現在相信奇普就是用作記錄的 3D 系統。此外,越來越多的專家同意,這些奇普當中有一些訴說著印加帝國的歷史。如果這一切屬實的話,那麼印加人原來就有文字,只不過是它與世上任何其他社會的文字大不相同。破解奇普之謎將是令人震驚的突破。欲知詳情請觀賞本月份的國家地理頻道。