
Classified 高度機密
by Brian Foden


National Geographic Channel investigates how America battles terrorism.


Even prior to the shocking terrorist attacks against the United States roughly a decade ago, the nation had been conducting counter-terrorism campaigns. However, the events of September 11, 2001 made battling terrorism a top priority for the US government.

The first target in the War on Terror was Afghanistan, which George W. Bush's administration accused of hiding Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the 911 attacks. Less than a month after the planes slammed into the World Trade Center and Pentagon, American and British troops invaded Afghanistan's borders on October 7. However, before the start of the military action, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was already in Afghanistan conducting undercover operations.

America's efforts to prevent terrorism haven't been restricted to Afghanistan. Along with the UK, the US began waging war on Iraq in March of 2003. Meanwhile, the CIA continued its efforts inside Pakistan to uncover and prevent plots against the US. Even on America's own soil, terrorism is a threat, so agencies like the FBI have undertaken investigations to fight home-grown dangers.

National Geographic Channel's Classified examines the determined efforts the United States takes to ensure its national security and protect its citizens. With unprecedented access to some of the most protected US government agencies, the program gives viewers a glimpse into America's counter-terrorism operations. In one episode, viewers can join a CIA team in its hunt to capture al-Qaeda members planning to launch a massive attack on US airliners. For those wanting a behind-the-scenes look at how America protects itself from terrorists, Classified promi ses to be intriguing.



  1. prior to...  (時間)在……之前
    例: Make sure you have the report ready prior to the meeting.
  2. roughly [ `rVflI ] adv. 大約(可修飾數字)
    例: John makes roughly NT$50,000 per month.
    (約翰一個月大約賺 5 萬塊台幣。)
  3. priority [ prZI`OrJtI ] n. 優先考慮的事
    a top priority  最優先∕重要的事物
    例: Taking good care of her children is Gina's top priority now.
  4. accuse...of...  指控∕指責……(做)……
    例: Kent was offended when his classmate accused him of lying.
  5. slam [ slAm ] vi. 猛撞
    slam into...  猛力撞上……
    例: The car slammed into a stop sign when the brakes went out.
  6. restrict [ rI`strIkt ] vt. 限制,約束
    be restricted to + N/V-ing  
    例: The politician's comments were restricted to the state of the economy.
  7. along with...  連同……
    = together with...
    例: Do bring your wife, along with your children, to my party tonight.
  8. wage war on...  向……宣戰
    例: The government vowed to wage war on drug trafficking.
  9. meanwhile [ `min:hwZIl ] adv. 在此同時
    例: Tom won't be home for another hour. Meanwhile, let's play a game of chess.
    (湯姆再 1 個小時才會回家。在此同時,我們來下盤西洋棋吧。)
  10. undertake [ :VndK`tek ] vt. 從事;接受,承擔
    三態為:undertake, undertook, undertaken。
    例: If you're going to undertake this job, you had better be prepared for the worst.
  11. determined [ dI`tRmInd ] a. 堅決的,下決心的
    be determined to V  下定決心要……
    例: Chris is determined to quit smoking.
  12. ensure [ In`SUr ] vt. 確保,保證
    使用 ensure 時,通常不以人作主詞,而以表『條件』的名詞作主詞,受詞則可為名詞或 that 子句。
    例: The company took measures to ensure its product's success.
  13. access [ `AksEs ] n. 接近,接觸
    have/gain access to...  取得……的管道
    例: Only shop employees have access to this area.
  14. glimpse [ glImps ] n. 一瞥,瞥見
    give sb a glimpse into...  使某人一窺……
    catch a glimpse of...  瞥見……
    例: Did you catch a glimpse of the man that stole your purse?
  15. launch [ lOntS ] vt. 發動
    launch an attack  發動攻擊
    launch a campaign  發起一項運動
    例: The group will launch its anti-drug campaign soon.
  16. protect sb/sth from...  
    例: Bubble wrap is used to protect glass from breaking when being moved.


  1. classified [ `klAsJ:fZId ] a.(情報、文件等)機密的
  2. counter-terrorism[`kZUntKtErJ:rIzJm ] n. 反恐
    terrorism [ `tErJ:rIzJm ] n. 恐怖主義
  3. campaign [ kAm`pen ] n. 活動,運動
  4. administration [ Jd:mInJ`streSJn ] n. 政府;行政
    administration 與 government 均可表『政府』,但在美國,administration 專指『某人執政時期的政府』,而 government 則泛指國家政府。
    the Obama administration歐巴馬政府
    the US government  美國政府
  5. mastermind [ `mAstK"mZInd ] n. 策劃者
  6. Pentagon [ `pEntJ:gan ]
    n. 五角大廈;(小寫)5 角形
  7. troops [ trups ] n. 軍隊(恆為複數)
  8. border [ `bOrdK ] n. 邊界
  9. undercover [ :VndK`kVvK ] a. 秘密的,暗中進行的
  10. uncover [ Vn`kVvK ] vt. 揭露
  11. plot [ plat ] n. 陰謀;(故事的)情節
  12. soil [ sOIl ] n. 土地,國土
  13. home-grown [ "hom`gron ] a. 當地出產的
  14. unprecedented[ Vn`prEsJ:dEntId ] a. 前所未有的;空前的
  15. capture [ `kAptSK ] vt. 捕捉,擄獲
  16. airliner [ `Er"lZInK ] n.(大型)客機
  17. behind-the-scenes[`bI"hZIndTJ`sinz ] a. 幕後的
  18. intriguing [ In`trigIG ] a. 有趣的



  美國約在 10 年前遭受令人震驚的恐怖攻擊,但早在那之前該國就已經開始從事反恐行動。然而,2001 年 9 月 11 日發生的事件,讓美國政府視反恐為第一要務。

  反恐戰爭的首要目標是阿富汗,因為小布希政府指控該國窩藏 911 攻擊事件的幕後策劃者賓拉登。在飛機撞上世貿大樓和五角大廈後不到 1 個月,美軍和英軍雙雙於 10 月 7 日進犯阿富汗邊境。然而在這項軍事行動展開前,美國中情局早就已經在阿富汗展開臥底行動。

  美國防堵恐怖主義所作的努力並不侷限於阿富汗。美國和英國一同於 2003 年 3 月對伊拉克宣戰。同時,中情局在巴基斯坦仍繼續努力揭發並阻止任何對美國不利的陰謀。即使美國境內也受到恐怖主義的威脅,所以像美國聯邦調查局等政府機構已展開調查工作,以對抗在國內滋生的威脅。



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