
Swamp Men 2 沼澤動物樂園 2by Marcus Maurice

Ed Woods and his staff maintain a home for thousands of wild animals.



  The Florida Everglades are notorious for swamps and subtropical wetlands where animals like crocodiles, alligators, and bison run wild. At the heart of this ecosystem is Billie Swamp Safari, a 2,200-acre fenced-in animal park that is run by the Seminole Tribe of Florida. This month, National Geographic Channel goes behind the scenes with Ed Woods, the park's director, and his employees on Swamp Men 2.

  At Billie Swamp Safari, it seems that every day brings new challenges to the people that work there. In the corner of the park for nuisance gators called Alcatraz, Woods finds out that Chubbs, the park's most dangerous gator, has escaped. He has to find Chubbs and where the hole in the fence around Alcatraz is. Woods and his team patch the fence and secure the area. They then make every effort to get Chubbs back in captivity and make the swamp a little safer.

  Swamp animals aren't the only things that cause Woods headaches. Before Memorial Day, one of the busiest times of the year, he must deal with something smaller but no less dangerous. In the chickees, which are traditional tribal huts that guests can rent for overnight stays, there is a huge bee problem. The crew must figure out a way to extract a swarm of tens of thousands of bees from the chickees before the guests arrive. Whether alligators need to be moved or bison corralled to another farm, there is never a dull moment on Swamp Men 2.


  1. be notorious for...  以……而惡名昭彰
    例: Scott is notorious for his lying and deceptive ways.
  2. go behind the scenes  走進幕後,一探幕後
    例: The show promised to go behind the scenes of that actor's life.
  3. escape vi. 逃脫,逃離
    escape from...  從……逃跑∕逃走
    例: By going to college, Anna was able to escape from a broken home.
  4. patch vt. 修補 & n. 補釘
    patch things up with sb  和某人重修舊好
    例: Did you apologize and patch things up with Celine?
  5. secure vt. 保衛;使安全
    例: The police officers secured the area around the hotel where the president was staying.
  6. make every effort to V  盡全力(做)……
    = spare no effort to V
    例: Al made every effort to please his girlfriend, but she still wasn't satisfied.
  7. captivity n. 囚禁
    in captivity  被囚禁
    例: Grace feels it's wrong for animals to be held in captivity, so she never visits zoos.
  8. memorial a. 紀念的
    例: The government decided to build a memorial park for the deceased leader.
    (政府決定替那位已故的領導者蓋 1 座紀念公園。)
  9. no less...(than...)  (和……)一樣地……
    例: A haunted house is no less scary than a horror film.
  10. figure out...  理解∕想出……
    例: Dylan couldn't figure out why his girlfriend wanted to break up with him.
  11. extract vt. 取出,(用力)拔出
    例: Billy managed to extract the cork from the bottle of wine.
  12. dull a. 枯燥的,無聊的,乏味的
    例: The book had a dull name, but I found it quite fascinating after I finished it.


  1. swamp n. 沼澤
  2. everglade n. 溼地,沼澤地
  3. subtropical a. 亞熱帶的
  4. wetland n. 溼地;沼地
  5. crocodile n. 鱷魚;長吻鱷
  6. alligator n. 短吻鱷
    = gator n.
  7. bison n. 野牛(單複數同形)
  8. ecosystem n. 生態系統
  9. safari n.(觀賞野生動物的)探險旅行
  10. fenced-in a. 被圍籬圍起的
    fence n. 圍籬
  11. nuisance n. 討厭的人∕事∕物
  12. chickee n.(塞米諾爾印第安人的)棕櫚葉頂棚屋
  13. tribal a. 部落的
  14. hut n.(簡陋的)小屋
  15. crew n. 全體工作人員(集合名詞,不可數)
  16. corral vt. 把……趕入或關進圍欄


  1. run wild  (動物)到處跑;失去控制
  2. tens of thousands of...  數以萬計的……

  佛羅里達大沼澤以其沼澤和亞熱帶濕地而聞名,裡頭棲息的動物包括四處橫行的長吻鱷、短吻鱷和野牛。四周有圍欄、佔地 2,200 英畝的比利沼澤野生動物園是這個生態系統的中心,由塞米諾爾原始部落所經營。這個月,國家地理頻道將在《沼澤動物樂園 2》節目中,隨同動物園主人艾德.伍茲及其員工幕後直擊這座沼澤野生動物園。

  對在那裡工作的人來說,比利沼澤野生動物園似乎每天都有新的挑戰。動物園有一處叫做『惡魔島』的角落住著討人厭的短吻鱷,而伍茲發現園區裡最危險的短吻鱷 Chubbs 落跑了。他必須找到 Chubbs 以及惡魔島四周的圍籬哪裡有破洞。伍茲和他的團隊修補好圍籬,保衛了該區的安全,然後費了九牛二虎之力把 Chubbs 抓回來關,才使得這片沼澤稍微安全了一點。

  讓伍茲傷腦筋的不只是沼澤動物。美國陣亡將士紀念日的前夕是一年當中最忙的時刻之一,伍茲必須處理一起體積雖小但同樣危險的狀況。棕櫚葉頂棚屋是租給旅客過夜的傳統式部落小屋,那裡出現了一個很大的蜜蜂危機。工作團隊在旅客抵達前必須想辦法摘除頂棚屋中有上萬隻蜜蜂的蜂窩。無論是遷移短吻鱷,或是把野牛趕進另一座農場,《沼澤動物樂園 2》節目保證絕無冷場。


    創作者 氣質姐與可愛可 的頭像


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