
No Easy Answers911 恐怖攻擊 10 周年回顧
by Matthew Brown


查詢  2011年)全民英檢100年測驗日程表



  On the last Monday of every May, Americans observe Memorial Day, a holiday meant to remember the men and women who lost their lives while serving in the United States Armed Forces over the years. This year's Memorial Day had a special significance because it was less than a month after the death of Osama bin Laden, the man who organized the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
  It may seem gruesome, but for many Americans, bin Laden's death was a reason to celebrate. The US had long been frustrated in its attempts to find the terrorist leader, so there was a sense of relief when the announcement that Navy SEALs had found and killed him in Pakistan came.

  The upcoming 10th anniversary is also a time to revisit the pain and sorrow of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and to remember the nearly 3,000 Americans who lost their lives on that day. A question that lingers for the US is whether enough is being done to prevent terrorist attacks in the future.

  US relations with the religion of Islam have been intense since the 9/11 attacks. It has been difficult for President Obama to show that only Islamic terrorists and not all of the 1.5 billion Islamic people around the world are a problem for the US. Obama recently declared that religious tolerance is a priority for the US, but not all Americans agree with his goals. As always, the balance between world peace and military power is difficult to achieve.

1. Why was this year's Memorial Day different?
(A) Terrorists attacked the United States again.
(B) Bin Laden was captured on this day.
(C) A terrorist that was at large for nearly a decade was killed.
(D) The United States is now fighting three wars in the Middle East.

2. According to the article, when news about bin Laden made the headlines, what did some people do?
(A) They planned new terrorist attacks.
(B) They became overjoyed and comforted.
(C) They wanted to learn more about the religion of Islam.
(D) They donated money to the survivors of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

3. According to the final paragraph, what is President Obama trying to do?
(A) Get more people to convert to Islam.
(B) Have Americans report all suspected terrorist activity.
(C) Make the military stronger so terrorists won't attack the US anymore.
(D) Let Americans know that when someone believes in Islam, he or she is not necessarily a terrorist.


  1. observe vt. 慶祝
    = celebrate vt.
    例: Children tend to observe their birthdays as though they were serious holidays.
  2. memorial a. 紀念的 & n. 紀念物;紀念館
    a memorial hall  紀念堂
    a memorial park  紀念公園
    memorable a. 值得紀念的,難忘的
    monument n. 紀念碑
    例: My most memorable experience was climbing Mt. Everest.
  3. frustrated a. 感到挫敗的
    frustrating a. 令人挫折∕洩氣的
    例: Mike feels frustrated at the fact that he cannot find a job.
    例: It's really frustrating when everything I try to do fails.
  4. attempt n. 企圖,試圖
    in an attempt to V  試圖(做)……
    = in order to V
    例: Ted worked day and night in an attempt to finish the project on time.
  5. relief n.(痛苦、負擔等的)緩和,減輕
    a sense of relief  如釋重負
    to one's relief  令某人鬆口氣的是
    例: To our relief, Mr. Ma said we were not having a math quiz.
  6. upcoming a. 即將來臨的
    例: The candidate was busy preparing for the upcoming election.
  7. anniversary n. 週年紀念(日)
    wedding anniversary  結婚紀念日
    例: Eddie sent his wife a huge bouquet of flowers on their wedding anniversary.
  8. linger vi. 徘徊;不走
    例: Even though I scrubbed the pan, the fishy smell still lingered.
  9. intense a. 劇烈的,強烈的
    intense heat  酷熱
    intensive a. 密集的;加強的
    intensive training  密集訓練
    例: John is unable to deal with the intense pressure at his new job.
    例: I signed up for a three-month intensive French language program.
    (我報名了為期 3 個月的法語密集課程。)
  10. tolerance n. 寬容;忍耐,耐性
    tolerate vt. 忍受
    = put up with...
    例: Rick couldn't tolerate his roommate's bad temper and decided to move out.
  11. priority n. 優先
    a top priority  第一優先
    例: Taking good care of her children is Martha's top priority now.
  12. at large  逍遙法外,在逃的
    例: The escaped convicts were at large for two days before they were caught.
    (那些逃犯逃逸 2 天後落網。)
  13. headline n.(報紙等的)標題
    make/hit/grab the headlines  登上新聞頭條
    例: The medical breakthrough made the headlines around the world.
  14. convert vi. 皈依,改變信仰
    convert to...  皈依……(宗教)
    例: David converted to Judaism in the hope that his girlfriend's parents would approve of him.
  15. not necessarily...  並不一定∕未必……
    例: Being rich doesn't necessarily mean you will have a happy life.


    1. serve vi. 服兵役
    2. significance n. 意義;重要性
    3. terrorist n. 恐怖分子
      a terrorist attack  恐怖攻擊
    4. gruesome a. 可怕的
    5. announcement n. 宣布
    6. Navy SEALs  美國海軍海豹突擊隊(特種作戰部隊,SEALs 是 Sea, Air and Land Teams 的縮寫)
    7. revisit vt. 重臨;重遊
    8. religion n. 宗教
      religious a. 宗教的
    9. Islam n. 回教,伊斯蘭教
      Islamic a. 回教的,伊斯蘭教的
    10. achieve vt. 完成,達到
    11. capture vt. 捕獲,捕捉
    12. overjoyed a. 狂喜的
    13. suspected a. 有嫌疑的


   每年 5 月的最後 1 個星期一是美國的『陣亡將士紀念日』,紀念歷年來在服役期間為國捐軀的男男女女,而今年的陣亡將士紀念日意義特別重大,因為在此不到 1 個月前,籌劃 911 恐怖攻擊的奧薩瑪‧賓拉登遭到擊斃。

   即將到來的 911 恐怖攻擊 10 周年紀念也是回顧那次恐怖攻擊帶來傷痛的日子,以及紀念當天罹難的近 3 千名美國民眾。而美國有個揮之不去的問題要面對,那就是美國是否已有充分準備,避免將來恐怖攻擊再度發生。

  自 911 恐怖攻擊後,美國和回教的關係一直很緊繃。對歐巴馬總統而言,要讓民眾了解威脅美國的是回教恐怖分子,而非全球 15 億回教徒,是很困難的一件事。他最近表示美國的當務之急是宗教包容,但不是每個美國人都認同這個目標。一如以往,世界和平和軍事力量一直在相互拉距難以達到平衡。

1. 為何今年的陣亡將士紀念日不同以往?
(A) 美國再度遭到恐怖攻擊。
(B) 賓拉登在這一天落網。
(C) 逃亡近 10 年的恐怖分子死了。
(D) 美國正在中東打 3 場戰爭。
題解: 根據本文第 1 段,每年 5 月的最後 1 個星期一是美國的陣亡將士紀念日,而今年陣亡將士紀念日的意義特別重大,因為在此不到 1 個月前,籌劃 911 恐怖攻擊的奧薩瑪‧賓拉登遭到擊斃。由此可知,選項 (C) 的敘述最吻合,故選之。

2. 根據本文,當賓拉登的消息登上新聞頭條,有些人做了什麼?
(A) 他們計劃新的恐怖攻擊。
(B) 他們欣喜若狂,並深感安慰。
(C) 他們想更了解回教。
(D) 他們捐錢給 911 恐怖攻擊的倖存者。
題解: 根據本文第 2 段,對許多美國人來說,賓拉登之死就是慶祝的理由,可知應選 (B)。

3. 根據文章最後一段,歐巴馬總統試圖做什麼?
(A) 讓更多人改信回教。
(B) 要美國人舉報任何有嫌疑的恐怖活動。
(C) 讓軍隊變得更強大,這樣恐怖分子才不會再度攻擊美國。
(D) 讓美國民眾了解信奉回教的人未必是恐怖分子。
題解: 根據本文第 4 段,對歐巴馬總統而言,要讓民眾了解威脅美國的是回教恐怖分子,而非全球 15 億回教徒,是很困難的一件事,可知 (D) 應為正選。

答案:1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (D)

世貿中心倒塌後,重建新大樓與否的爭議不斷,有人認為應該重建以恢復該區的貿易功能,且不向恐怖分子低頭。但也有人認為在死傷慘重之處重建會對受害者不敬。最終決定重建,並向國際徵圖,在競圖後決定出重建的模型,主體建築定名為自由塔(Freedom Tower),但在 2009 年正式更名為 One World Trade Center。(資料來源:維基百科)
薩瓦里繼任蓋達領導人 繼續對美、以兩國聖戰
蓋達組織(Al-Qaeda)於 6 月 16 日在網站上發表聲明,蓋達組織已經選出長期以來的第二號人物薩瓦里(Ayman Al-Zawahiri),接替在 5 月 2 日遭狙殺的賓拉登。蓋達並且宣誓,不會停止對美國和以色列的『聖戰』。(資料來源:Yahoo!奇摩新聞)

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