You could spend a lifetime trying to get to know India as a tourist. Its cities have noise and chaos, and its lands are filled with beautiful, ancient scenery. With over one billion people mixing traditional and modern customs, there is no possibility of being alone. India has also constructed some fantastic buildings like the legendary Taj Mahal. This beautiful tomb is regarded by many as a symbol of eternal love.
India has it all from the beaches of Goa to the movie industry of Bollywood in Mumbai, the cultural center of Kolkata, and its modern capital1 of New Delhi. In addition, four of the world's major religions have their roots in this country that introduced yoga2 and chess3 to the masses4. As for India's natural attractions, visitors should make time to visit the Ganges River and the Himalayas. A favorite with adventurers, this mountain range5 features Mount Everest and separates India from the rest of Asia. Then, of course, there are the people and festivals like the fun and exciting Holi. India is definitely an ancient world waiting to be discovered.
Extra Words
1. capital n. 首都
2. yoga n. 瑜珈
3. chess n. 西洋棋
4. the masses n. 群眾,百姓
5. mountain range n. 山脈
This beautiful tomb is regarded by many as a symbol of eternal love. (
be regarded as... 被認為(是)…… = be thought of as... = be seen as... = be viewed as... = be looked upon as... = be considered (to be)... Einstein is highly regarded as one of the greatest scientific minds ever. = Einstein is highly considered to be one of the greatest scientific minds ever.
Building your vocabulary
1. chaos n. 混亂,凌亂 After the destructive earthquake struck the area, there was total chaos. 在遭受那場毀滅性地震的重創後,這個區域完全陷入一片混亂。
2. construct vt. 建造,構築 The government constructed a high-speed railway to make traveling easier. 政府建造了一條高速鐵路來讓旅遊更加便利。
3. legendary a. 非常有名的;傳說中的 A legendary monster is said to have lived in this cave. 據說有一隻傳說中的怪獸曾住在這個洞窟裡。
4. eternal a. 永恆的 The witch did whatever it took to pursue eternal youth. 那位女巫為了追求青春永駐而不擇手段。
5. definitely adv. 絕對地,肯定地 After working non-stop for six hours, we all definitely needed a break. 在馬不停蹄地工作了六小時後,我們肯定需要休息一下。
Phrases for learning
1. be regarded (by + 人) as... 被(某人)視為…… Yo-Yo Ma is regarded as one of the greatest musicians in the world. 馬友友被視為世上最棒的音樂家之一。
2. have + 所有格 + roots in... (某物)起源於…… The custom has its roots in the culture of those tribespeople and has been around for a long time. 這項習俗起源於那個部落居民的文化之中,並存在了好一段時間。
3. as for... 至於……,就……而言 Beth likes to live in the city. As for me, I prefer living in the country. 貝絲喜歡住在城市裡。但就我而言,我比較喜愛住在鄉下。