
Graham's World 闖蕩世界


查詢  (2011年)全民英檢100年測驗日程表

Most of you have probably read the book or seen the movie, "Around the World in 80 Days." The main character is a British bachelor1 named Phileas Fogg, whose objective is to travel the globe2 by only using public transportation. This is all part of a bet, with the condition that Fogg must complete his journey within a limited amount of time. Now, there is a modern-day Fogg on the scene, but his odyssey3 is much more challenging.   British filmmaker, Graham Hughes, is out to do better than Fogg. He is on a quest to set foot in every country on Earth in just one year. Just like Fogg, this bachelor from Liverpool, England is going to do this all without flying or driving. However, Hughes is n ot doing this for a bet. Instead, he is trying to raise money for charity. Having only a budget of under US$30,000 and a video camera, he sets out on his 90,000-kilometer journey in Buenos Aires on New Year's Day. National Geographic Channel is there as Hughes takes his love of traveling to the limit in "Graham's World."

Extra Words

1. bachelor n. 未婚男子,單身漢
2. globe
 n. 地球,世界
3. odyssey
 n. 漫長的歷險旅程

Building your vocabulary

1. objective n. 目標,目的 Al's only objective right now is to get back into shape. 艾爾現階段的唯一目標是要恢復身材。
2. condition n. 條件 My father agreed to lend me his car on condition that I am home by 11:00 PM. 我爸同意借車給我,條件是我得在晚上十一點前到家。
3. challenging a. 具有挑戰性的 The lawyer had the challenging task of trying to prove that her client was innocent. 這位律師的挑戰性任務就是要證明她當事人的清白。
4. quest n.(為成就艱難目標所做的)嘗試;(長期且艱困的)尋求 My quest for the truth led to an unexpected answer. 在我尋找真相的過程中竟出現了一個令人意想不到的答案。
Phrases for learning

1. be/come on the scene  出現,到來 Emma thought she was in love with Harry until Ron came on the scene. 直到榮恩出現之前,艾瑪都以為自己愛著哈利。
2. be out to + 原形動詞  力圖∕試圖(做)…… The volunteers are out to make a difference in that third world country. 這群志工試圖要改變那個第三世界國家。
3. set out  動身,啟程 The travelers set out again after one night in Vienna. 那些旅者在維也納待了一晚後又再度出發上路。
4. to the limit  到達極限 The kids pushed my patience to the limit with their never-ending questions. 這些孩子沒完沒了的問題把我的耐心逼到了極限。




...within a limited amount of time. (……在限定的時間內……) a large/small/limited number of + 複數名詞多數的∕少數的∕有限的…… a large/small/limited amount of + 不可數名詞大量的∕少量的∕有限的…… 注意: "a large/small/limited number of"以及"a large/small/limited amount of"均視為形容詞,其後分別接複數名詞和不可數名詞,因此作主詞時,其後動詞應隨 of 之後的名詞作變化,也就是說"a large/small/limited number of + 複數名詞"之後要接複數動詞,而"a large/small/limited amount of + 不可數名詞"之後要接單數動詞。 Only a small number of employees are against the new regulation. (只有少數的員工反對那項新規定。) A large amount of money was stolen from the bank. (那家銀行有一筆鉅款遭竊。)



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