From Mayflower to November  感恩‧火雞‧五月花

by Jeremy Beacock

Thanksgiving celebrates some of the earliest American colonists.

After Christmas, the next most important festival towards the end of the American calendar year is Thanksgiving. This November celebration is a time for families to get together, eat turkey, and give thanks. This holiday celebrates some of the first English settlers in America. At the beginning of the 17th century, Europe was in turmoil thanks to religious arguments between older versions of Christianity and a newer one called Protestantism. In England, one group of Protestants in particular wanted to leave the old world to < font color="#993399">worship in peace. Learning about the new continent, America, they decided to travel there.
  More than 100 Pilgrims, as they came to be known, set off in 1620 on a ship called the Mayflower. They landed in New England at a place called Plymouth Rock. However, the Pilgrims' first year was very difficult. Many of them died, but they were able to reap their first harvest in 1621. To celebrate, they followed the old English tradition of holding a harvest festival. They were joined by the local Native Americans, who also brought food. This meal was the first Thanksgiving.
  The tradition gradually took root across the entire US. At first, Thanksgivings were mostly irregular, local affairs. However, in 1939, US President Franklin Roosevelt cemented its place in the calendar by declaring the fourth Thursday of November to be the national day of Thanksgiving. Since then, Thanksgiving has grown to its current stature. While the Pilgrims might not recognize much of the festivities now, they would recognize the food. The turkey and corn that are the centerpieces of Thanksgiving meals are a direct link to that first harvest celebration.


1. celebration n. 慶祝 in celebration of...  慶祝……
例: My father bought me a brand-new bike in celebration of my birthday. (我爸買了一部嶄新的單車給我,用來慶祝我的生日。)
2. get together (with sb)  (和某人)相聚∕聚會
例: Peter plans to get together with his former colleagues this weekend. (彼得打算在這個週末和他的舊同事聚會。)
3. turmoil n. 混亂 in turmoil  在混亂中
例: The global economy has been in turmoil since the fall of the major financial institution. (這家重要的金融機構倒閉後,全球經濟一片混亂。)
4. thanks to...  由於∕因為……
例: Thanks to the typhoon, all the flights were delayed. (由於颱風,所有的班機都誤點。)
5. worship vi. 做禮拜;敬神
例: Mary worships at church every Sunday. (瑪麗每個星期天都會去教堂做禮拜。)
6. in peace  和平地 live in peace with sb  和某人和平共處
例: Frank found it impossible to live in peace with his neighbor, so he moved. (法蘭克發現自己無法跟鄰居和睦相處,所以就搬家了。)
7. set off (for + 地方)  出發∕啟程(前往某地) = set out (for + 地方)
例: After watching that movie, you'll get the urge to set off for Paris. (當你看完這部電影,會有股想前往巴黎的衝動。)
8. harvest n. 收成,收獲 & vt. 收割 a good harvest  豐收 例: This year's rice harvest was affected by the typhoon. (今年稻米的收成受到了颱風的影響。) 例: With the new machines, the farmers find it easier to harvest their crops. (有了新的機械,農人發現收割農作物容易多了。)
9. gradually adv. 逐漸地
例: Harley gradually recovered from his painful breakup. (哈利逐漸從分手的傷痛中走出來。)
10. take root  生根,深植人心
例: Democracy is taking root in that country. (在那國家裡,民主已逐漸深入人心。)
11. irregular a. 不規律的 regular a. 規律的
例: Henry's irregular eating habits resulted in physical problems. (亨利不規律的飲食習慣導致他身體出問題。)
12. affair n. 事務(常用複數);風流韻事,婚外情(單數)
personal affairs  私事
international affairs  國際事務
foreign affairs  外交事務
have an affair with sb  與某人有婚外情
例: Being too curious about the affairs of others can lead to trouble. (對他人的私事太過好奇會惹來麻煩。)
例: David had an affair with his secretary, so his wife divorced him. (大衛和他的秘書有染,所以他太太和他離婚了。)
13. cement vt. 使強固(= strengthen)& n. 水泥
例: The foundation of a good friendship is best cemented in sincerity and honesty. (真摯和誠實是最能鞏固友誼的基石。)
14. declare vt. 宣佈
例: The candidate declared victory as soon as the election results were announced. (選舉結果一公佈,該候選人就宣布當選。)
15. recognize vt. 辨認,辨識
例: Bill recognized the handwriting, so he knew who wrote the letter. (比爾認出筆跡,因此知道是誰寫了這封信。)
16. centerpiece n. 最重要的部分
例: The magic show was the centerpiece of my son's birthday celebration. (這場魔術表演是慶祝我兒子生日最重要的活動。)

Grammar Tips

in particular  特別地,尤其是 = particularly adv. = especially adv. 注意: in particular 與 particularly、especially 均為強調名詞的副詞,但前者置於名詞後,作後位修飾,而後兩者則置於名詞或代名詞之前。
例: I loved the movie, the ending in particular. = I loved the movie, particularly the ending. = I loved the movie, especially the ending. (我喜歡那部電影,尤其是結局的地方。)


1. festival n. 節日
2. calendar n. 日曆
3. turkey n. 火雞;火雞肉
4. settler n. 開拓者;殖民者
5. religious a. 宗教的
n. 宗教
6. Christianity n. 基督教
7. Protestantism n. 新教
8. Protestant n. 新教徒 & a. 新教的
9. continent n. 大陸,洲
10. pilgrim n.(大寫)1620 年搭乘五月花號移居美國的英國清教徒;(小寫)朝聖者
11. reap vt. 收割
12. stature n. 身高;規模(本文用法)
13. festivity n. 慶典,慶祝活動


美國的一年接近尾聲時,重要性僅次於聖誕節的節日便是感恩節了。這個 11 月的節慶是家人團聚、吃火雞和表達感謝之意的時刻。這個節日紀念美國一些早期的英國移民。17 世紀初,歐洲由於傳統基督教派和新教這個新支派間的宗教紛爭而陷入混亂。當時英格蘭特別有一個新教團體想離開這個舊世界,以便安靜地做禮拜。當他們得知美洲新大陸這地方時,便決定前往。  1620 年,一百多名後來被稱為『清教徒』的人搭乘一艘名為『五月花號』的船隻出發。他們在新英格蘭一處名為『普里茅茲岩』的地方登陸。然而,這些清教徒的第一年過得很艱辛。有許多人病死,但他們在 1621 年有了第一次的收成。為了慶祝收成,他們依循英格蘭的舊傳統,舉行豐收慶典。美國原住民也帶了食物來和他們一同慶祝。這場餐會便成了第一次的感恩節。  這項傳統逐漸在全美國紮根。剛開始,感恩節的慶祝多半是不定時舉辦的地方聚會。不過在 1939 年,法蘭克林‧羅斯福總統宣布 11 月的第四個星期四是感恩節,從此奠定感恩節為全國性節日的地位。從那時起,感恩節便逐漸演變至今日的情況。儘管當年的清教徒可能不認識今日的慶祝活動,不過,相信他們一定認得出餐桌上的食物。因為感恩節大餐中的要角──火雞和玉米──是和第一次收成慶典最直接的關連。


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