

The proud owners of a pint-sized pinto horse that was born on April 23 at Tiz A Miniature Horse Farm in New Hampshire, say he may be the smallest ever.


423日在新罕布夏州Tiz A 迷你馬場裡,某匹美國小花馬誕生了,他的主人洋洋得意地表示這大概是目前全球最小的馬。


The pinto stallion, named Einstein, weighed just 6 pounds and measured 14 inches in height at birth. The three-day old pinto could be a record breaker as the world's smallest horse, and an application has already been submitted to the Guinness Book of World Records to see whether Einstein qualifies. The current world record is held by Thumbelina, a chestnut mare who stands 17.5 inches tall and weighs 58 pounds. The average newborn mini-horse is 21 inches tall and weighs 18 pounds. The owners of the farm he was born on have been raising miniature horses for more than 20 years now, and in all that time they have never seen one so small. On their farm, between 10 and 15 tiny horses are born each year. Electronic devices are attached to pregnant mares and a beeper goes off at their bedside when the horse lays down in anticipation of giving birth.


這匹美國花馬,名叫愛因斯坦,出生時重量只有6磅,身高只有14吋。這匹才出生三天的小花馬大概是全球最小的馬,同時主人已經提出金氏世界紀錄的申請,之後就會知道愛因斯坦是否會通過。目前的記錄保持人是姆指姑娘,也就是身高17.5吋,體重58磅的棕色雌馬。新生的迷你馬平均身高21吋,體重18磅。 農場主人表示他已經飼養迷你馬至少20年了,但他從未見過如此小的馬。 在他們的農場裡,每年平均出生1015匹小馬。 電子儀器會貼在懷孕的雌馬身上,當牠躺下準備生產時,在牠床邊的警笛就會嗶嗶叫。


The folks who bought and named Einstein did so in part to keep the petite pinto out of some kind of circus thing. They're focused on the animal's quality of life. One of the new owners says that there are no signs of dwarfism in Einstein, and that he is just a tiny horse: “This little guy is like all horses, he's almost all leg.” The new owners don’t know if the size of the horse is decided by weight or height, and was unsure whether the horse must be measured when fully grown.


把這匹馬買下並且為牠取名為愛因斯坦的買主,某程度上是希望能夠讓這匹小馬免於落入馬戲團的命運裡。他們專注的是動物生活品質。其中一位主人表示愛因斯坦其實沒有侏儒症,牠只是個子比較小:「這個小個子就像其他馬,牠的四肢健全。」 這群新主人並不知道馬的大小是由體重還是身高決定,他們也不確定當牠完全長大後是否還需要再次測量。




go off      發出聲響
此說法常用於表示警鈴大作的時候,除此之外,它也用於表示某物件爆炸,例:A bomb goes off. (炸彈爆炸。)
The alarm clock just
went off.

in part     
此片語常用於表示在某程度上的意思,用法是 in part + 某行動。相關說法是 partlypartially
The success of this project was due
in part to Peter’s creativity.


    創作者 氣質姐與可愛可 的頭像


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