
  The world's oldest amusement park is in Denmark. It is called Bakken and was first opened to the public in 1583. It is famed for its charming wooden roller coaster, which has been running for over 80 years. Denmark also lays claim to having the second oldest amusement park, Tivoli Gardens. Visitors can enjoy a spin on the Star Flyer, the world's tallest carousel, which stands at a height of 80 meters.
   If magic is more your thing, then The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando Resort in Florida is a must-see. There, you can explore every inch of the world created by author JK Rowling, such as the classrooms at Hogwarts Castle. Don't miss experiencing Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey, a ride that puts you right in the middle of the action of one of Harry and the gang's adventures.
   For those who feel the need for speed, the place to be is Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi. Get strapped into Formula Rossa, the fastest roller coaster on Earth. It reaches speeds of 240 kilometers per hour, and riders experience a g-force of 4.8. Packed full of thrills and chills, amusement parks never fail to excite and entertain the masses.

Words & Phrases

be famed for...  因……而聞名
The church was famed for its stained glass windows.
* stained  a. 著色的,有色的

  • charming a. 迷人的,有魅力的
    Although Julie is not beautiful, Sam still thinks she is very charming.
  • lay claim to...  聲言……為己有,宣稱有……
    Two countries lay claim to the ownership of this island.
    * ownership  n. 所有權
  • forbidden a. 被禁止的(動詞 forbid 的過去分詞)
    Those items are forbidden on the airplane.
  • strap vt. 用皮帶束住
    You should be strapped in when driving.
  • fail to V  未能做到……
    If you fail to give the report to me on time, you won't pass the exam.
  • entertain vt. 娛樂,使開心
    Bill imitated the artist to entertain his friends.
  • the masses  大眾,群眾
    The president claimed that he would build hospitals and schools to benefit the masses.

Extra Words


  • spin n. 旋轉
  • carousel n. 旋轉木馬
  • g-force 引力,重力(為 gravity force 的縮寫)
  • roller coaster n. 雲霄飛車

世界上最古老的遊樂園位於丹麥。它被稱作巴肯遊樂園,於 1583 年首次對外開放。巴肯遊樂園以運行八十多年的迷人木製雲霄飛車而聞名。丹麥也聲稱擁有蒂沃利公園這座第二古老的遊樂園。遊客們可以好好來體驗一下高八十公尺的世界上最高的旋轉木馬──Star Flyer。
   如果您比較喜歡魔法的話,那麼位於美國佛羅里達州奧蘭多環球影城度假村的哈利波特的魔法世界則是一個非去不可的地方。您可以在那裡探索每一處作者 JK‧羅琳所創造出的魔法世界,例如霍格華茲城堡內的教室。千萬別錯過來體驗哈利波特禁忌之旅的機會,這項遊樂設施能讓您置身於哈利波特與伙伴們的其中一項冒險行動之中。
   對那些追求速度的人來說,阿布達比的法拉利主題樂園是個好去處。在地球上最快的羅薩方程式雲霄飛車上繫好您的安全帶吧。雲霄飛車的速度每小時快達二百四十公里,乘客可以體驗到 4.8 G 的重力加速度。遊樂園充滿了驚險刺激,總是能夠讓人們興奮不已並帶給大家歡樂。             




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