Learn about some of the greatest migrations▼ in the animal kingdom.
When the leaves start to change color in the fall, people go outside to admire nature’s beauty. This changing of the seasons is seen as something fun for most humans. For many members of the animal kingdom, however, changing weather patterns cause them to migrate▼ huge distances. They leave in search of warmer weather, more sources of food, better breeding grounds▼, and more. National Geographic presents a series about some of the planet’s most amazing migrations in Trials of the Wild.
Sometimes it is not the distance of the migration, but rather the huge numbers of animals involved that impress us the most. In the episode, “Night of the Christmas Crab,” film crews travel to a remote island in the Indian Ocean, which is home to the Christmas Island red crab. Unlike most crabs, these ones spend most of their lives in the forest. Every October and November, they rush together across the island in the tens of millions, making their way to the ocean to breed▼. It is a sight that is almost impossible to describe—there are so many crabs crawling around that it looks like the ground is alive. Catch this sight and nature’s other great migrations in National Geographic’s Trials of the Wild.
trial n. 考驗;試驗;審判
Before Mia became successful, she had gone through more trials than the average person.
2. admire vt. 欣賞,觀賞;仰慕
All the guests are free to admire the paintings and artwork at the art fair.
3. be seen as... 被視為∕看作……
Jay Chou is still seen as one of the most popular singers in Asia.
4. source n. 來源,出處
It has long been known that dairy products are an important source of calcium.
* calcium n. 鈣
5. involved a. 參與∕捲入的,有關聯的
Joe got involved in politics because he wanted to make a difference.
6. make + 所有格 + way to / through / towards /... 行進(尤指艱難或需要很多時間地)
The children in the novel made their way through the dark forest.
migration n.(鳥獸的)遷徙;(一大群人尤為找工作的)移居,遷移
▼ migrate vi.(鳥獸)移棲,遷徙;(人)移居
▼ breeding ground n. 繁殖地∕場;(壞事物的)溫床,滋生地
▼ breed vi.(動物)交配繁殖
有時讓我們印象最深刻的並不是動物遷徙的距離,而是牠們的驚人數量。在《生存大考驗:聖誕島紅蟹》一集中,攝影團隊來到印度洋一座偏遠的島上,這座島就是聖誕島紅蟹的棲息地。與大部分螃蟹不同的是,聖誕島紅蟹一生中大部分的時間都待在森林裡。每年的十月和十一月時,數千萬隻紅蟹便集體越過島上,衝往海裡繁殖。那畫面簡直無法形容 —— 爬行的螃蟹數量多得讓地面看起來就像會動一樣。觀賞國家地理的《生存大考驗》,一睹這個景象和其他大自然裡的大遷徙吧。