
It's All in the Bento 色香味俱全的日本創意便當



  Bento is a traditional Japanese lunch packed in a box. Recently, some Japanese mothers have started making the food that their children take to school for lunch a little more exciting. These artistic parents arrange the items in the boxes into fun surprises. By adding seaweed and other ingredients, they can shape rice, meat, and vegetables into popular toys and cartoon characters. It is a fun and creative way to present food.

  However, some mothers really take it seriously because that is the only way they can get their children to eat. Kids are often picky about what they put in their mouths, so if it doesn't look good, they are not going to touch it. According to some mothers, the playful arrangements ensure empty bento boxes at the end of the day. Moreover, at some schools, how fun one's bento looks or doesn't look has led to peer pressure. This in turn puts pressure on the mothers to create something even more over-the-top. Not to worry, though. Classes on how to make eye-catching bento box creations are available. As feasts for the mouths and eyes, bento boxes really stand out.

Words & Phrases

  1. ingredient n. 食材,原料
    I found all the ingredients I needed for my favorite recipe in the supermarket.
  2. shape A into B  將 A 塑形∕塑造成 B
    The kids shaped the soft clay into all sorts of animals.
  3. take...seriously  認真看待∕對待……
    Hank takes his job very seriously and always gives 100 percent.
  4. picky a. 挑剔的
    Frank couldn't believe it when his picky supervisor found nothing wrong with his proposal.
  5. ensure vt. 保證,確保
    The bodyguard's job is to ensure the personal safety of the famous actress.
  6. in turn  因此,因而
    Tracy stopped eating out, which in turn helped her save a lot of money.
  7. over-the-top a. 誇張的;過度的
    Sandra didn't overreact. Instead, your joke about her hair was over-the-top.
  8. eye-catching a. 搶眼的,引人注意的
    Nina prefers to wear clothes in eye-catching colors, such as yellow, red, and orange.

Extra Words

  1. artistic a. 有藝術才華的
  2. seaweed n. 海苔;海藻
  3. arrangement n. 佈置∕排列∕整理好的東西
  4. peer pressure n. 同儕壓力
  5. feast n.(美味的)盛宴
  6. leftovers n. 剩菜剩飯(恆用複數)






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