
Time to Pick Up Some Globish  英語、全球語大 PK
by Timothy Laird

Is there a shortcut to learning a foreign language? 學習外語可有捷徑?

We are living in a world where it seems that everyone has to learn English. This language has been incorporated into the _(1)_ in most schools around the world. It is also known as the language most commonly used in business. In an era of globalization, the importance of English cannot be _(2)_. That being said, many non-native speakers of English still _(3)_ with it while trying to make deals with foreign clients. For these non-native speakers, a solution has been offered by a Frenchman named John-Paul Nerriere. He is now telling people to stop learning English. Instead, what they should be learning is Globish, a _(4)_ of the words "global" and "English."   As a retired IBM executive, Nerriere has had years of experience working with colleagues from all over the world. Nerriere says that in most cases, people don't have to talk like a _(5)_ speaker to be understood. In fact, a few simple words, basic grammar, plus some easy-to-understand gestures will _(6)_. Nerriere calls this minimal requirement for successful communication Globish. Basically, it's a communicative tool that is a simplified version of proper English _(7)_ designed for business people. Globish uses only a _(8)_ vocabulary of 1,500 words and simple syntax, avoiding jok es or figures of speech that usually cause problems for non-native speakers. The result is that it's easily learned, and people are soon able to talk _(9)_ with their foreign business partners or contacts.
   Although some people doubt that English can be mastered by learning Globish, Nerriere's _(10)_ approach has won him a lot of approval. For those in the business world, Globish may prove to be a real lifesaver.

(A) suffice (B) native (C) curriculum (D) effective (E) overstated 
(F) struggle (G) selected (H) comfortably (I) combination (J) specifically


    1. This language has been incorporated into the curriculum in most schools around the world.
    a. 空格前有定冠詞 the,空格後有介詞詞組 in most school(在大部分學校),可知空格應置名詞。
    b. 符合上述的選項有 (B) native(本地人)、(C) curriculum(課程)、(F) struggle(奮鬥)和 (I) combination(結合),然僅 curriculum 置入後符合語意,表世界上大部分學校都將英文納入『課程』,故選 (C)。
    c. curriculum n. 課程* 複數為 curricula 或 curriculums。 curricular a. 課程的 extracurricular a. 課外的 extracurricular activities  課外活動例: I took part in many extracurricular activities in college. (我大學時參加很多課外活動。)

    2. In an era of globalization, the importance of English cannot be overstated.
    a. 空格前有原形 be 動詞,可知空格內應置入複數或不可數名詞、形容詞或分詞。
    b. 符合上述條件的選項有 (B) native(本國的)、(D) effective(有效的)、(E) overstated(被誇張,被誇大)、(F) struggle(奮鬥,努力)、(G) selected(被挑選)和 (I) combination(結合),然僅 overstated 置入後符合語意,表在全球化的時代裡,英語的重要性再怎麼『被誇大』也不為過,故選 (E)。
    c. overstate vt. 誇張 can't be overstated  再怎麼誇張也不為過例: The importance of avoiding driving while drunk can't be overstated. (避免酒醉駕車的重要性再怎麼誇張也不為過。)

    3. That being said, many non-native speakers of English still struggle with it while trying to make deals with foreign clients.
    a. 空格前有主詞 many non-native speakers(許多非母語人士),空格後有介詞 with 和受詞 it,可知空格內應置入不及物動詞。
    b. 符合上述的選項有 (A) suffice(足夠)和 (F) struggle(奮鬥,努力),然僅 struggle 置入後符合語意,故選 (F)。
    c. struggle vi. 奮鬥,努力例: The puppy struggled for hours to get free of its leash. (小狗狗掙扎了好幾個小時想要掙脫狗鏈。)

    4. Instead, what they should be learning is Globish, a combination of the words "global" and "English."
    a. 空格前有不定冠詞 a,空格後有介詞 of,可知空格內應置入可數的單數名詞。
    b. 符合上述的選項尚有 (B) native(本地人)和 (I) combination(結合),然僅 combination 置入後符合語意,表 Globish 是由 global(全球的)和 English(英語)兩字『結合』而成,故選 (I)。
    c. combination n. 結合例: The accident was caused by a combination of errors. (許多錯誤的結合導致了這個意外。)

    5. Nerriere says that in most cases, people don't have to talk like a native speaker to be understood.
    a. 空格前有不定冠詞 a,其後有名詞 speaker(說話者),可知空格應置入子音開頭的形容詞或分詞。
    b. 符合上述的選項有 (B) native(本國的)和 (G) selected(挑選出來的),然僅 native 置入後符合語意,表他說大部分的時候,人們不需要把英文說得跟『母語人士』一樣,可知應選 (B)。 c. a native speaker  母語人士

    6. In fact, a few simple words, basic grammar, plus some easy-to-understand gestures will suffice.
    a. 空格前有助動詞 will,可知空格內應置入原形不及物動詞。
    b. 符合上述條件的僅有 (A) suffice(足夠),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
    c. suffice vi. 足夠例: A thin jacket will not suffice in this extremely cold climate. (在這種極度寒冷的氣候裡,光穿一件薄夾克是不夠的。)

    7. Basically, it's a communicative tool that is a simplified version of proper English specifically designed for business people.
    a. 空格所在的句子結構完整,可知空格內應置入副詞,以修飾過去分詞 designed(被設計)。
    b. 選項中的副詞有 (H) comfortably(自在地)和 (J) specifically(特別地),然僅 specifically 置入後符合語意,表這是一種『特別』為商界人士所設計的簡化版英文,故選 (J)。
    c. specifically adv. 特別地;明確地例: The doctor specifically warned me not to eat seafood because of my allergies. (醫生特別警告我不要吃海鮮,因為我會過敏。)

    8. Globish uses only a selected vocabulary of 1,500 words and simple syntax, ... 理由:
    a. 空格前有不定冠詞 a,其後有名詞 vocabulary of 1,500 words(1,500 個單字的字彙量),可知空格內應置入子音開頭的形容詞或分詞。
    b. 選項中僅剩 (G) selected(挑選出來的)為子音開頭的形容詞,置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
    c. selected a. 挑選出來的,精選的 select vt. 挑選例: Sarah selected a pink dress to wear to her friend's wedding. (莎拉挑了一件粉紅色洋裝穿去參加朋友的婚禮。)

    9. The result is that it's easily learned, and people are soon able to talk comfortably with their foreign business partners or contacts.
    a. 空格所在的句子結構完整,可知空格內應置入副詞,以用來修飾動詞 talk(說話)。
    b. 選項中僅剩 (H) comfortably(自在地)為副詞,置入後亦符合語意,表人們很快就能『自在地』和外國的商業夥伴或舊識交談,故選之。

    10. Although some people doubt that English can be mastered by learning Globish, Nerriere's effective approach has won him a lot of approval.
    a. 空格前有所有格 Nerriere's,空格之後有名詞 approach(方法),可知空格內應置入形容詞。
    b. 選項中僅剩 (D) effective(有效的),置入後符合語意及用法,表內里埃提供的『有效』方式已為他贏得許多人的贊同,故選之。
    c. effective a. 有效的例: This vinegar and water solution is very effective in cleaning almost everything. (加了白醋的水幾乎可以有效清除所有的髒污。)

    1. pick up...  (不經意地)學到……
    例: Jenny picked up a little Spanish during her trip to Mexico. (珍妮到墨西哥旅行時,學了一點西班牙文。)
    2. incorporate vt. 編入;併入
    be incorporated into...  被編入∕併入……
    例: Jack was glad that his ideas had been incorporated into the project. (傑克很高興自己的構想被融入企劃案中。)
    3. minimal a. 最小的;最少的
    maximal a. 最大的;最多的
    例: The house survived the fire with only minimal damage. (這棟房子逃過火災,只受到極小的損害。)
    例: We're aiming for a maximal increase in profits this year. (我們致力於為公司創造出今年最大的利潤。)
    4. requirement n. 條件;要求
    meet the requirements  符合∕達到要求
    例: I'm afraid you don't meet the basic requirements of the job. (很遺憾,你不符合這項工作的基本要求。)
    5. simplified a. 簡化的
    simplify vt. 使簡單化
    例: Susan simplified the question that was giving everyone trouble. (蘇珊將困擾大家的這個問題給簡化了。)
    6. approach n. 方法(常與介詞 to 並用)
    例: I think the best approach to learning English is to read articles and watch TV programs in English. (我認為學習英文的最佳方法就是閱讀英文文章和看英語電視節目。)
    7. approval n. 同意;認可
    approve vi. 贊成
    approve of...  贊成∕認可……
    例: We have to get the general manager's approval before we can change anything. (我們必須取得總經理的同意才能做任何更動。)
    例: Kathy's parents never approve of the people she dates. (凱西的父母從未認同她所交往的對象。)


    1. that being said  話雖如此
    2. make deals/a deal  做生意;進行交易
    3. in most cases  在多數情況下,往往
    in many cases  在很多情況下
    in some cases  在有些情況下,有時


    1. era n. 時代
    2. globalization n. 全球化
    3. non-native a. 非本國的;非當地的
    4. client n. 客戶,顧客
    5. retired a. 退休的
    6. executive n. 行政∕業務主管
    7. colleague n. 同事
    8. plus prep. 加上
    9. gesture n. 手勢
    10. communication n. 溝通
    11. basically adv. 基本上
    12. communicative a. 溝通的
    13. vocabulary n. 詞彙,單字量(集合名詞,不可數)
    John knows many vocabularies.
    (╳) → John has a large vocabulary.
    (○) = John knows many words.
    14. syntax n. 語法;句法
    15. figure of speech  修辭;比喻說法
    16. contact n. 熟人
    17. master vt. 精通,掌握
    18. lifesaver n. 幫助解除困境的人∕物,救星


    我們生活在一個好像每個人都得學英文的世界裡。世界上大部分學校都將英文納入課程。它也是商場上所知最常使用的語言。在全球化的時代裡,英語的重要性再怎麼誇大也不為過。話雖如此,許多非以英文為母語的人士跟外國客戶做生意時,仍然得和英文奮鬥。對這些英文非其母語的人來說,法國人約翰-保羅‧內里埃提供了一個解決方法。他告訴大家停止學英文,而應該學習 Globish(全球語),這個字由 global(全球的)和 English(英語)兩字所組成。
      內里埃退休前是 IBM 的主管,他有和世界各地同事合作的多年經驗。他說大部分的時候,人們不需要把英文說得跟母語人士一樣,就能讓人明白所表達的意思。事實上,只需要一些簡單的字彙、基本文法,再加上清楚易懂的手勢就已經足夠。內里埃稱這種只需少許的英文必要條件,就能夠成功溝通的語言為『全球語』。基本上,這是一種特別為商界人士所設計的簡化版英文。全球語僅使用 1,500 個精選的單字和簡單的語法,揚棄那些造成非英語人士困惑的笑話或修辭。其結果是全球語相當易學,人們很快就能自在地和外國的商業夥伴或舊識交談。


    答案: 1. (C) 2. (E) 3. (F) 4. (I) 5. (B) 6. (A) 7. (J) 8. (G) 9. (H) 10. (D)


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