Time Magazine recently listed a special list. They selected 50 inventions that were funny and harmful to humanity. Among them, the invention that Time Magazine could not stand the most was the world-famous Crocs. These casual shoes are ugly and unfashionable, and considered the ugliest invention. In addition, the popular farm game on Facebook "FarmVille" was also considered a waste of human productivity because over 10% of the people in the U.S. are obsessed with it.
時代雜誌最近列了一個很特別的清單,他們挑出 50 項可笑的、會危害人類的發明。其中最令時代雜誌受不了的就是紅遍全球的布希鞋。因為該休閒鞋的外型既不美觀又不時尚,是最醜的發明。另外,在Facebook中人氣很旺的農場遊戲「FarmVille」也因為讓美國超過10%的民眾沉迷,被視為是浪費人類生產力的發明。