目前分類:語言學習 (372)

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2017-04-24 Keeping it Simple with IKEA 極簡主義 兼具實用與美學by Ivy Liu (44) (0)
2017-04-19 Graduating from Marriage 從婚姻中畢業 ―― 追尋自己的人生並更愛對方by Daniel Howard (22) (0)
2017-03-21 Marathon Runner Tries to Bring Home a Piece of the Gobi 沙漠中遇見你 —— 超馬選手與小狗的溫馨邂逅 (12) (1)
2017-03-21 Gardeners of Eden 伊甸園的園丁by Evan Witkowski (11) (0)
2017-03-05 America's First Lady: Mrs. Michelle Obama  出身平凡 魅力非凡 ── 蜜雪兒‧歐巴馬by Bruce E. Bagnell (26) (0)
2017-03-01 Harpy Eagles▼: The National Bird of Panama Threatened With Extinction  剽悍的王者:角鵰by Marcus Maurice (13) (0)
2017-02-26 Continent 7: Antarctica 第七大陸:南極洲by Marcus Maurice (6) (0)
2017-02-21 A Tale of Two Tonys 東尼獎 ── 向劇場界傳奇致敬by Paul Hines (24) (1)
2017-02-12 Killing Reagan 刺殺雷根by Evan Witkowski (72) (0)
2017-02-05 The Lowline 充滿陽光和綠意的首座地下公園by Marcus Maurice (13) (0)
2017-02-05 Make School: Teaching the Maker Generation 學以致用by Daniel Howard (6) (0)
2017-01-19 Staying a Night in the Eiffel Tower 愛在星光燦爛下 ── 夜宿巴黎鐵塔 (0) (0)
2016-12-15 StarTalk 2  名人談星 2by Ivy Liu (15) (0)
2016-12-13 The Light and the Dark of the Holidays: Saint Nicholas and Krampus 聖誕天使和惡魔:聖尼古拉和坎卜斯 (6) (0)
2016-12-09 What Makes a Good Company One of the Best?  美國幸福企業排排站by Bruce E. Bagnell (31) (0)
2016-12-08 Run! Don't Walk! To the Blob!  飛天跳水無極限 ── 水上彈跳包 (12) (0)
2016-12-05 Color the Temple 為神廟著色by Paul Hines (23) (0)
2016-12-04 Printing a Better Future 3D 科技 印出美好未來 (7) (0)
2016-11-24 Highway Thru▼ Hell IV 地獄公路即刻救援 4 by Ivy Liu (133) (1)
2016-11-16 GEPT全民英檢106年測驗日程表 (1235) (0)
2016-11-05 The Mad Scientist of YouTube 金鋼狼爪★彈射床☆噴火吉他:酷炫發明王 (2) (0)
2016-10-30 America's National Parks  美國國家公園by Ivy Liu (4) (0)
2016-10-29 Halloween Fundraising for UNICEF 不給糖就搗蛋!by Ivy Liu (12) (0)
2016-10-28 Shooting for the Stars 誰與爭『豔』?!花漾 蜷川實花 (55) (0)
2016-10-20 Courthouse Dogs 法庭上的守護天使by Daniel Howard (8) (0)
2016-10-10 Undercover Angel 臥底天使by Ivy Liu (219) (0)
2016-09-28 Going without Cars 環保護地球‧世界無車日 (5) (0)
2016-09-19 Shelter Buddies 汪汪!說故事的時間到了by Daniel Howard (10) (0)
2016-09-09 America's National Parks  美國國家公園by Ivy Liu (13) (0)
2016-08-27 Walking through Movie Magic   玩翻環球影城 (10) (0)
2016-08-02 By Saving Animals, We Save Our Souls  拯救動物 拯救心靈by Igor Bagrov (7) (0)
2016-07-20 Light the Night Sky  夜空中的美麗火花 (3) (0)
2016-07-20 Nothing Goes to Waste in India  物盡其用 by Bruce E. Bagnell (7) (0)
2016-07-07 The Secret Life of Pets  寵物當家 (34) (0)
2016-06-16 This Tutu is Too Much!  穿著粉紅芭蕾舞裙的男人by Bruce E. Bagnell (38) (0)
2016-06-15 Mission Critical  危險任務by Marcus Maurice & Ivy Liu (7) (0)
2016-05-24 Outfoxing the Foxes 智取狐狸by Paul Hines (70) (0)
2016-05-22 Human Libraries   真人圖書館 -- 每個人都是一本書! (22) (0)
2016-05-16 The Middle Island Project   企鵝保衛戰‧牧羊犬立大功 (30) (0)
2016-05-13 Is a Trash-Free Life a Real Possibility? 零垃圾夢想家by Igor Bagrov (9) (0)
2016-04-28 What's In a Name?   莎翁經典‧舞台人生 (8) (0)
2016-04-18 Did You Wash Your Hands? 你今天洗手了嗎? by Igor Bagrov & Ivy Liu (16) (0)
2016-03-31 Scooby Dooby Doo, Where Are You?  史酷比,你在哪裡? (39) (0)
2016-03-29 The More, the Merrier 多多益善by Bruce E. Bagnell (70) (0)
2016-03-20 Mysterious Stonehenge  謎樣巨石陣 (5) (0)
2016-03-04 National Geographic Explorer 國家地理探險家by Ivy Liu (22) (0)
2016-03-03 The Magnificent Mexican Mural  色彩的力量:動盪小鎮變身彩虹家園 (3) (0)
2016-02-01 The 5th Wave  第 5 毀滅 (11) (0)
2016-01-30 A House of Silk and Mystery 泰絲之父的傳奇一生by Igor Bagrov (29) (0)
2016-01-25 Deadly Instincts  致命本能by Ivy Liu (110) (0)