目前分類:語言學習 (372)

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2016-01-24 Thai Fruit Carving  手藝『泰』厲害 by Daniel Howard (27) (0)
2016-01-23 Follow the White Rabbit   愛麗絲的奇幻旅程 (11) (0)
2016-01-20 Selfies with Daughters  消弭性別失衡 自拍掀風潮by Daniel Howard and Ivy Liu (5) (0)
2016-01-20 Stop the Poaching   哭泣的犀牛 (5) (0)
2016-01-20 The Most Ultimate Sport   完美拋物線:飛盤爭奪賽 (6) (0)
2015-12-29 Living on the Edge   高高在上的一夜 --— 祕魯天空旅館 (26) (0)
2015-12-27 Slow Train Coming   嘟嘟嘟!大吉嶺蒸氣火車來囉! (8) (0)
2015-11-24 What's That Smell?   伴隨芳香的輕柔晨喚 ── 香味鬧鐘 (7) (0)
2015-11-17 Paper Cathedrals  環保‧重生‧紙教堂 (10) (0)
2015-10-26 全民英檢105年測驗日程表 (57) (0)
2015-09-25 The Jumbo Stay Hotel  前所未見的客機飯店by Daniel Howard (30) (0)
2015-09-15 The Land of Smiles  微笑的國度 ── 泰國 (3) (0)
2015-08-28 The Temple City  神秘古國 ── 吳哥窟 (18) (0)
2015-08-28 Tipping Our Hats to the Ampelmännchen  馬路英雄 ―― 小綠人 (5) (0)
2015-07-16 Notes from the Underground  個人專屬電台幫你實現主播夢 ── 播客 (7) (0)
2015-07-16 Good Fortune Bites  幸運餅乾。驚喜無限 (32) (0)
2015-06-01 Unseen Tours  旅遊新風貌── 街遊倫敦 (24) (0)
2015-05-20 Bada Bing Baking!  驚喜連連☆魔法蛋糕☆變!變!變! (38) (0)
2015-05-15 The Dreamcatcher  悠遊*捕夢網**的詩意。美麗 (19) (0)
2015-05-12 Not Your Average Bear  萌翻天 —— 與眾不同的可愛熊熊 (18) (0)
2015-05-04 The Cost of Beauty  世界美『頸』by Bruce E. Bagnell (54) (0)
2015-04-14 Look into My Crystal Ball  水晶球啊水晶球 —— 讓我來扭轉你的命運之輪吧! (62) (0)
2015-03-24 Our Great Love of Chocolate  入口即化的甜蜜 —— 濃情巧克力 (9) (0)
2015-03-24 Dino Autopsy  恐龍新發現by Marcus Maurice (10) (0)
2015-03-05 The Art of the Elephant Parade  彩繪做慈善 ── 繽紛大象巡展 (26) (0)
2015-03-02 The Man Behind Amazon  時代巨擘亞馬遜 —— 傑夫‧貝佐斯 (6) (0)
2015-02-08 Time-Lapse Photography Has Brought Us Fascinating Images over the Years  神奇的縮時攝影by Brian Foden (16) (0)
2015-02-02 The Ocean's Blue Tears  遺世珍珠 —— 夢幻藍眼淚 (400) (0)
2015-01-15 Hayao Miyazaki–Peaceful Masterpieces  龍貓‧小魔女‧天空之城 (38) (0)
2015-01-08 World's Best Chefs  世界頂尖主廚 by Marcus Maurice (54) (0)
2014-11-25 The Special Joys of Tihar  提哈節 ── 獨特的喜悅by Bruce E. Bagnell (65) (0)
2014-11-11 Leaving on a Jet Plane  藍天白雲俱樂部 ── 空服員知多少 (10) (0)
2014-11-02 全民英檢民國104年考試日程表 (39) (0)
2014-10-16 Weird Hotels from around the World  來『趣』住一晚 ── 全球特色旅館 (10) (0)
2014-09-29 Modern-Day Entertainment  YouTube 夯!全!球! (5) (0)
2014-09-16 The Story of Walt Disney's Magical Place  孩子們的夢幻天堂by Brian Foden (14) (0)
2014-08-27 A Toy for All Ages  老少咸宜的益智玩具 —— 樂高 (72) (0)
2014-08-11 24 Hours in A&E 2  急診室 24小時 2 by Marcus Maurice (124) (0)
2014-07-31 The Puppy Bowl 可愛無法擋 ── 《狗狗超級盃》 (21) (0)
2014-07-18 Wicked Tuna 狡猾黑鮪殊死戰 (153) (1)
2014-07-03 Sea Otters: Cuteness Overload  海獺:超萌的啦!by Brian Foden (101) (0)
2014-06-26 Tales from the Tooth Fairy  牙仙傳奇 by Olivia Wycech (29) (0)
2014-06-10 Out-Of-This-World Parks 盡情玩樂尖叫吧! ———— 遊樂園大集合 (47) (0)
2014-05-15 The Center of the Universe  宇宙的中心 by William Ryan (10) (0)
2014-05-05 A Line to Success   超夯即時通訊軟體 App—Line (78) (0)
2014-05-01 A Bus Just for Dogs 唯『狗』獨尊 by Olivia Wycech (26) (0)
2013-12-11 全民英檢103年測驗日程表 (25) (0)
2013-08-19 The Wonderful World of Disney  迪士尼的奇妙世界 (29) (0)
2013-08-05 The Khukuri: A Weapon, Tool, and Symbol with a Long History 尼泊爾的廓爾喀彎刀 (151) (0)
2013-07-18 Team Hoyt 勇哉父子情 (5) (0)